"At the moment you generate sentences that could conceivably appear in your completed account, you have begun your writing. . . .until your pencil forms sentences on paper or you achieve the equivalent effect through some miracle of modern technology you have no basis for claiming either the sympathy or admiration of your family, friends, or colleagues that you are really writing." - Harry Wolcott, 13,14.

**Required Readings and Activities

Module Three: Interpretation, Data Representation and Writing
3.5 Evaluates peer research reports

**A. Readings: Clandinen, Chap 10; Eisner, Chap 10.

Review your readings from previous modules -

**B. Web and Other Links: review one of the two final papers linked below - use your rubric from 1.4 to think about what you are reading. Then discuss in the bulletin board space

Fleming final paper - teacher mentoring

Palmer final paper - Jesus' leadership style

**C. Discussion Starters/Reflective Journal Topics:

1) What did you learn from the paper(s) above? What made sense? What makes you feel uncomfortable? Why?


D. Experiences/Activities:

1) Compare the papers to some qualitative writing in your discipline.


E. Portfolio Documentation:

1. Reflections on various philosophical perspectives, highlighting your current position - questions, qualms and quibbles as they relate to the re-presenting of data to various audiences!