Photo Collage

Collage of Pictures of Andrews Graduate Experience

Following the construction of this visual portrayal, the researcher went back to the participants
and asked them what the portrayal meant to them. This was a "member check" of sorts!

I see students busy in their academic life. I see students studying in conference with their teachers, getting fed spiritually and physially, asking for help, going through their complete academic life, then reaching their goal of graduation. The pictures that are in the middle are lighter than the other ones. Most of the bright pictures are pictures of the church, portraying or representing Jesus' statement "I am the light of the world." When Jesus is our best friend, our lives, even with our problems, will be brighter. The pictures around the bright center are representations of our daily life: studies, work, meetings, group work and so on. These pictures are darker because they represent our burden, if you keep your focus on them, then our lvies will be darker, full of worries, but when we go to the center, to the source, to the light we can handle things.............Jackie


I see a cluster of photos taken around our campus. They are arranged in a way that portrays light emerging from the center. The photos are arranged in a way that the church is in the middle. They show different aspects of student activities. This collage tells me various things. At AU spiritual dimensions are the center of the university experience. God is first. The symbols tell a story not only of spiritual development but also of commitment to service to students, the church and humanity. AU is a center of higher learning whose focus shines and reaches all students and goes beyond through these "enlightened souls" to enlight humanity. I can also see students development from the time one gets here to commencement day. It tells a story of hard work, commitment, spiritual involvement and success. ................Carlos


This is a photo display with photos organized on a black background to portray a tunnel. This collage is a mixture of feelings, experiences, sufferings and happiness related to the AU experience. It's amazing how in this collage there is evidence of the different cultures that makes us diversified and also unified in one goal. I think that at the end of the tunnel there will be the light. There is no achievement without some darkenses and lightness. .......Zilma


I see many experiences of AU students that are very closely related. In fact they are so related that they overlap. No experience or situation is isolated by itself but touches each other. Some experiences are completely surrounded by others while some stick out to the sides. The experiences do not begin and end in precise exactness, and some are almost completely covered by others although when I see only part of the pictures I can "imagine" what the covered part of the picture it. Being an Andrews graduate student I can identify with these scenes and even more so because I know the people in pictures. I have had experiences together with them, have observed and talked to them and the pictures come to life. I can hear their voices and laughter and moans as well as sense the fragrance of their perfume. ............Del


There is a combination of darkness and light, and in the center of that source of light there is a church -- maybe capturing the centrality of our relationship with God. I also see unity in diversity, our learning experience touches other people and touches us as we interact and grow academically. I see the principle of cooperative learning embedded in this portrayal. I also see a ladder in the upper, left-hand corner that describes success. The "success" ladder has four elements which are very important to every human being: the academic aspect portrayed by the teachers with their doctoral gowns, second the social relationships that are created as we share, third a family sharing their home life and last, the spiritual experience obtained in the church community depicted by the Pioneer Memorial Church picture. From the top of everything there seems to be a place where one can look down. For me it means a broader viewpoint, the way our worldview grows as we grow in all the other areas. ........Edwin