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Job Classification

  Salaried Full-time (75-100%)

Position summary

The STEM Enrollment Coordinator is embedded in the CAS STEM Division to help meet its goals:

Qualifications summary

Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in good and regular standing.

Duties and responsibilities


  1. To find ways to increase and widen awareness of the professional renown and high quality instruction and research among STEM faculty and programs. To build a buzz around the particular strengths of the agriculture, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, engineering and computer science, mathematics, and physics departments. 

  2. To scout for high school students with appropriate ability and/or interest in Andrews STEM and determine how best to approach them. To study and characterize the wide-ranging but predictable complexities of college-bound students with potential for excellence, enjoyment, satisfaction, and commitment in science and engineering in order to inform our understanding of the market, our competitors, and the resulting necessary adjustments in our strategy.  

  3. To streamline specialty recruitment workflow by focusing on evidence-based activities and efficiency measures.  To pool departmental resources to represent STEM at campus fairs and recruitment, registration and student life events.

  4. To organize specialty events like SciFEST, with materials, activities, and connections that resonate with the characteristic abilities and interests of college-bound students who excel in mathematics, science, and engineering. To recruit participants, presenters, and sponsors and arrange for accommodations, meals, activity details, trophies, etc.

  5. To edit a consolidated STEM newsletter and provide or coordinate reporting, photo ops, writing, layout, production, and distribution services.

  6. To meet with visiting parents, students, the public, and university administration in STEM contexts; receive email or other incoming inquiries, organize contact information and questions, maintain communication logs and orchestrate communication between STEM prospective students and faculty when they inquire, apply, or are accepted; contact prospective STEM students and connect them with designated departmental faculty advisors, arrange tours, and assist them with applications. To open and maintain communication avenues (email, home and cell phone, snail mail, social media, etc). 

  7. To keep statistical records to help assess the success of STEM recruiting strategies. Managing evaluation and feedback systems to monitor our own recruiting activities and the recruiting activities of STEM department staff and faculty.

  8. To coordinate specialized STEM recruiting activities with AU Enrollment Management, offering assistance as appropriate for AU Preview events, and individual or group visits.

  9. To prepare and present to the CAS Dean and the STEM department chairs an annual STEM Strategy Proposal, including promotion and recruiting priorities and the financial resources to meet them. Manage the approved plan, keeping expense records and preparing an Annual Activity and Financial Report to the CAS Dean and STEM chairs.

  10. To help prospective students and families locate financial information including scholarships, grants, loans and payment options and direct them to an appropriate financial advisor.

  11. Participation in STEM events on- and off-campus, some involving weekends, evenings and overnight stays.  Extended hours for travel, seasonal work, and deadline-completion.


  1. To assist the STEM Division spokesperson in coordinating a STEM Promotion Think Tank to create and add strategies that adopt new philosophies, techniques,  and technology to identify potential student recruits who have the appropriate ability and interest.   

  2. To produce promotional materials and connections--such as posters, postcards, invitations, email broadcasts, print advertisements, social media and other web entries, AV spots, online announcements--consulting with Integrated Marketing and Communication services as needed and whenever possible.

  3. To assist STEM departments in widening the range of engineering programs through collaboration, pooling their resources for common interests, building and maintaining common infrastructure in overlapping areas, and designing and executing service projects (such as targeted STEM outreach programs in middle school, secondary school, and community environments).


  1. General recruiting activity and coordination will be reported at the CAS staff weekly meeting or directly to the CAS Dean, including the relevant number of students making inquiries, submitting applications, being accepted, and completing registration.  Familiarity of with other quantitative data is expected, including number of majors, programs, attendance at events, etc.

  2. Interdepartmental STEM activity and coordination will be reported to the monthly STEM Chairs Council as needed or directly to the STEM Division Chair.

  3. Department-specific activity and coordination will be reported at department faculty meetings or directly to the relevant department chair.

Supervisory responsibilities

  1. Hires, supervises, and directs 1-4 student workers as they contact prospective students and update various Andrews STEM social media sites (Facebook and Instagram).

  2. Supervises various student volunteers for large campus events like the annual ice cream social, SciFest, and other STEM activities.


  1. A baccalaureate degree.

  2. Sufficient work experience to demonstrate skills and talent needed to perform said duties and to follow through to achieve goals efficiently and reliably with notable timeliness and effectiveness in personal time management.  And well-developed work ethic..  Also sufficient organizational experience to provide evidence of skill in coordinating people and a cooperative team spirit graced with leadership skills and an outgoing, positive personality that enjoys and excels in meeting, helping, and coordinating people and can lead, instruct, advise, and influence prospective students, parents, faculty, staff, administrators, businessmen, artisans, and media personnel.

  3. Confidence and ease in working with scientists and engineers and a demonstrated interest in their work. Proficiency in a STEM discipline is not required but rudimentary familiarity with the culture of science or engineering is helpful. Ability to be comfortable and thrive in an environment where mathematics, scientific experience, and vocabulary exceed one’s proficiency. Must be willing to become submerged in STEM research cultures in order to understand and communicate the strengths of STEM programs. Willingness to develop pride in, enthusiasm for, and commitment to each Andrews STEM program.

  4. Verbal and non-verbal communication skills in person (personal conversations and public speaking), by telephone, in writing (letter/email/instant messenger/social network), by Skype or video and other media avenues. Proficiency in English comparable to educated native speakers. Demonstrated success managing large quantities of email, phone calls, and other communication.

  5. The ability to focus and learn quickly, remember names and places, and engage in logical discourse, data analysis, and critical thinking, leading to evidence-based decisions. Numerical skills for fiscal and operating acuity in planning and operating within agreed policies and goals would be extremely helpful.

  6. A joyous, identifiable, and holistic faith and lifestyle which includes modest and appropriate professional attire with no jewelry other than a wedding band when appropriate. 

Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in good and regular standing.

Technical competencies

  1. Demonstrated ability to work with a variety of computing platforms. Proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets, and databases with keyboarding skills at adequate speeds and accuracy. 

  2. Expertise in using Facebook and other social media.

  3. Familiarity with Andrews computer systems (iVue, PreVue, Banner, Andrews CMS) is helpful

  4. Ability to develop and produce poster and other promotional materials, with assistance as necessary.

Interpersonal interactions

Being comfortable in a wide range of interpersonal relationships is necessary for this job. This position works closely with all types of people, from prospective high school students and their parents to Vice Presidents within Andrews University.  Additional to frequent and diverse interpersonal relationships, this position also serves as a liason in the following ways

Physical demands

  1. The use of an automobile for local and occasional, medium distance use. The ability to travel long distances or in foreign countries. 

  2. The ability to lift 50 pounds of equipment or packaged materials.

  3. The stamina to haul equipment and to set up display booths in a timely fashion, requesting assistance as needed.

Work environment

  1. Work will be primarily indoors, in the Science and Engineering Complex with a private office in one of the STEM departments, except when traveling to off-campus assignments or to events or visits to other campus departments.   

  2. Travel will be on a space-available basis when accompanying Enrollment Management personnel to a limited number of key events. Departments or grants will support other travel to accompany STEM faculty to research conferences or other events that illustrate scientific and engineering culture. Any travel would be in accordance with the AEA (Adventist Enrollment Association) guidelines as they relate to travel in the U.S/Canada (NAD) outside our own Lake Union.

  3. Reasonable accommodations may be possible to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential duties and responsibilities.