AICER Presents Dr. Lori Imasiku

   Agenda | Posted on February 9, 2015

Andrews International Center for Educational Research (AICER) invites students, faculty and interested participants to attend a research symposium on Wednesday, February 11, at 5:30 p.m.

Presenter:  Dr. Lori Imasiku, Assistant Professor, Teaching, Learning & Curriculum, Andrews University

Photovoice Research Methodology

In this presentation, Dr. Lori Imasiku will discuss the photovoice methodology she used in her study of twelve students from the Kalingalinga community in Lusaka, Zambia. These students were selected to share their educational experiences through a participatory research model.  All twelve students produced an educational narrative along with suggestions on how the educational system could be improved to better serve Zambia’s most vulnerable youth. Seven of the twelve also contributed to the research through a photovoice project in which they documented their school and community and how the many facets of their lives played positive and negative roles in their education.

Face-to-face participants meet in Bell Hall 013

Online participants login at  whether or not they are registered Andrews’ students.

   Josephine Katenga