
The Andrews Study Bible is an innovative and practical presentation of the Scriptures. It is designed for both the new believer and the experienced Bible student.

The Andrews Study Bible was commissioned to be academically credible, theologically sound, and practically useful. To be academically credible means that the writers who provided the study notes and articles are qualified Bible scholars. They have the ability to present what they know in a way that stands the highest test of Bible scholarship. To be theologically sound means that all the study helps must be true to the whole message of the Bible itself. The study materials in this Bible are designed to keep our attention focused on what the Bible says by following the important practice of comparing scripture with scripture. To be practically useful means that the study Bible is easy to understand and easy to use. The New King James Version has been found helpful and inspiring by millions of people around the world. The study notes provide comment on what is most necessary for immediate understanding and leave other things to Bible commentaries and other resources.

In the faith tradition of the publishers, the name Andrews means a man, a university, a publishing house, and a way of life. The man, John Nevins Andrews (1829–1883), was a biblical scholar, writer, editor, evangelist, and church administrator who ultimately gave his life using all those talents in lonely, pioneer mission service.

His renowned career came to symbolize the high ideal of putting Bible scholarship into direct, practical service for the cause of Christ. Andrews University is the flagship institution of a world-wide system of Christian education that in 2010 operated more than 100 colleges and universities, 1,500 secondary schools, and 5,700 primary schools, serving a total of nearly 1.5 million students. Andrews University Press publishes important works of scholarship, like this study Bible, that support the mission of the university and its sponsoring faith community.

Light. Depth. Truth.
God's word is light. In fact, the very first thing that God created in our world by His spoken word was light (Gen. 1:3). The Psalmist said: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). Of course, there is much light in the Bible that is clear and simple to understand. But any earnest Bible student knows that what is clear and simple often also has great depth. The light of a clear blue sky appears to be a simple, beautiful, blue canopy. But we know that, ultimately, it is very, very deep—as deep as the universe itself. And of course, as we follow that light deeper, whether into the universe, or into the Bible, the deeper the truth we discover about the Creator of all things. The honest, earnest student will strive earnestly to understand more about God’s word—to see the light and explore the depths of God’s truth.