Idea: Phone App

There really is an app for everything. Over 100,000 of these are game apps—who doesn't like to have a little fun? There are already two or three Scrabble-like apps, so how do you make one that stands out?

"Wordi"—the faster, smarter artificial intelligence Scrabble game. Features include new and creative ways to organize the game board, space for multiple players, and instant updates.

"Wordi" began as a class project in Kendall's senior year. Under the supervision of his professor Bill Wolfer, Kendall is developing the app on his own.

"Wordi" runs on the same system as Google's GTalk, which means that the game sends almost instant updates when another player makes a move. Creating the artificial intelligence "brain" behind the game "required a good understanding of AI and statistics, as well as technologies based on runloops," says Hopkins. This may sound confusing now, but four years of computer science will make it all second nature. Unlike other similar games, "Wordi" supports more than two players online or locally.

"As far as I know," says Hopkins, "a Scrabble game has never been created with almost instant updates or this many customizable options, which hopefully will set ours apart from the competitors." 


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