
Are you a serious web user? If so, then you will want to keep reading. It lets you get paid to do what you already like doing? The rewards depend somewhat on your effort, but the bottom line is that, if you like surfing, you'll make money. The one change to your screen will be a small, 1" banner at the bottom that advertizes different products. The are the standard, animated banners that you find on many web sites already. It doesn't really appear to slow down your browsing significantly as the advertisements change only every couple of minutes. I don't want you to think that this is a get-rich-quick scheme. I haven't made a single penny yet. But I will keep you posted as to how it is going. I joined on October 31, 1999 so bookmark this page to check out my progress. Click the the picture at the top of the page to join in for yourself.

Happy Surfing!!