FROM TIME TO TIME A Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic by Daniel J. Drazen PAUSE FOR BOURGEOIS LEGALITIES: This story is copyright (c) 1999 by the author. The characters and situations are the property of Sega, Archie Comic Publications and/or DiC Productions. Reproduction and distribution of this fanfic is rabidly encouraged unless you try ripping me off and taking credit for it yourself. All the normal restrictions under U.S. copyright laws (Title 17, U. S. Code) apply. A special "Thanks" goes to JDL for writing some words about hope that found their way into this story. Time: Following the Archie Comic continuity, somewhere between "Endgame" and "Brave New World." ================================================================= "And Tails steals the puck from Antoine! He moves up the center, dodging past Bunnie. It's just Sonic between him and the goal. He shoots. It's incredible! He got the puck past Sonic!" Wiping the sweat from his brow, Tails shouldered his dirt hockey stick and listened to the wind moving through the trees of the Great Forest. It sounded like cheering. Then with a heavy sigh he started walking back toward the Great Oak Slide which was the entrance to Knothole. He let both his tails and his hockey stick drag on the ground behind him. Tails never thought he'd admit it, but things just weren't as much fun as they used to be now that Robotnik was gone. Sure, everyone in Knothole had partied heartily when they realized that it was true. Tails had never seen so much kissing in his life! But almost immediately, Tails noticed that Sally was acting different. She busied herself by day sending out scouting parties, trying to communicate with other Freedom Fighter groups, and making lists using her handheld computer, Nicole. And when he'd ask Aunt Sally when she was doing, she'd say something like: "Tails, honey, this is when the REAL work begins. And it won't be easy." Tails reached the stump that was the entrance to the Great Oak Slide, then looked up to get an idea of where the sun was in the sky. He figured he'd been off by himself playing dirt hockey for at least an hour. Propping his hockey stick against the stump, he revved up his tails and dived inside to begin his descent to the subfloor of the Great Forest, where Knothole lay safe and secure. As he slipped through the darkness of the slide, he found himself wondering yet again why he didn't feel any different. Knothole, through some quirk of the physical world brought about by the explosion that ended Robotnik's life, was now three hours ahead of Robotropolis and the Great Forest. If you move three hours ahead or behind in a matter of seconds, Tails told himself, you should be able to FEEL it. But he never did. Not that he knew what good it did to be three hours ahead, anyway. About the only ones who did seem to know were Bunnie and Antoine, who had been spending more time with each other now than they ever did during the war against Robotnik. Two days ago, in fact, they had watched the sun set in Knothole as they just sat next to each other saying hardly anything. And then Bunnie suggested to Antoine that the two of them go back up the Oak Slide and watch it all over again! Tails couldn't understand that, either; he thought sunsets were kind of boring. Emerging from the Slide, he paused. The sound was the first thing that got his attention. It was the kind of sound you heard in the autumn, when dead leaves blow across dry grass and barren tree branches creak sadly above. But this was late spring, Tails reminded himself, almost summer. Something was wrong. He then noticed someone lying on the ground in front of him. It was Rosie, the contents of the wicker basket she had been carrying spilled out onto the grass, grass which was suddenly withered and brown. Tails quickly flew over to her. "Are you all right?" he began to ask her. Then he gasped in horror. Rosie's eyes were wide open, but dull and glazed. Her mouth hung open as well, as if in a silent cry for help. She didn't move. "Help!" Tails called out. "Somebody help! It's Rosie!!" There was no answer, except for the wind. Looking at her again, something in Tails made him realize that there was nothing that he or anyone else could do for her. She was dead. "Sonic!!" Tails called out at the top of his lungs. It was the first and only name that came to mind. But there was no answer. Frantically looking around, he saw that the doorway to Rotor's hut was open. He flew over there. The sight inside turned Tails's blood to ice. All of the Knothole Freedom Fighters -- Sonic, Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor -- lay on the floor of the hut, as motionless as Rosie. Tails was too frightened to cry out; he knew in his young heart that it was useless, that there was nobody to hear. He staggered inside the hut a couple of steps before dropping to the ground, burying his head in his arms and crying as he had never cried before. Finally he stopped, not because he was no longer sad, but from sheer exhaustion. He had no idea what had happened. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know where to go. He felt as empty and lifeless as a doll. It was only then that he heard it. It wasn't very loud, but he heard it: "PLEASE RESPOND, SALLY." It was a woman's voice, but muffled, coming from somewhere he couldn't make out. "PLEASE RESPOND, SALLY." Moving to the center of the hut, closer to where the bodies lay, he heard it again, still muffled but clearer. It was a flat voice, speaking with no particular sense of urgency. "PLEASE RESPOND, SALLY." Suddenly Tails realized what he was hearing. Approaching the prone form of Princess Sally, he forced himself to take hold of her shoulder and roll her lifeless form onto her side. And there underneath her lay Sally's handheld computer, Nicole. "PLEASE RESPOND, SALLY. PLEASE RESPOND, SALLY. PLEASE RESPOND, SALLY. PLEASE RESPOND, SALLY." His hand trembling, Tails bent down and picked up Nicole, who stopped repeating herself. "Uh..." Tails began, not sure what to say. "PLEASE IDENTIFY YOURSELF," the computer asked in a steady, unemotional voice. "I, uh, I'm Tails." "PLEASE RETURN ME TO PRINCESS SALLY." "I...I can't! She...." Nicole said nothing. She just sort of sat there on Tails's palm, with two of her lights flashing. "She's dead!" Tails managed to say, before starting to cry again. "PLEASE STATE CAUSE OF DEATH," Nicole replied flatly. "I don't know!" Tails was clearly anguished. "Everybody's dead! And I don't know how or why!" "ANALYSIS REQUIRED. PLEASE FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS." Tails was both baffled and a little upset as Nicole started giving him instructions. How can she be so calm about this, he wondered. Doesn't she care!? Then he realized that Nicole probably wasn't programmed to care. That didn't make him feel any better, though. Following Nicole's directions, he obtained blood samples from three of his fallen friends, along with bits of leaves and a couple of blades of grass from around Knothole. He inserted these into Nicole according to the computer's directions, then waited for what seemed like forever as the computer just sat there and blinked. Unable to look at the bodies of his friends any longer, he left her sitting on a table and started walking out of the hut. "ANALYSIS COMPLETE." Turning on his heels, Tails dashed back inside and picked up Nicole. "What happened?" he asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. "BASED ON AVAILABLE DATA, THE FOLLOWING SCENARIO APPEARS TO DESCRIBE WHAT HAPPENED: SONIC RETURNED TO KNOTHOLE FROM A SCAVENGING EXPEDITION TO ROBOTROPOLIS WITH WHAT HE AND EVERYBODY ELSE THOUGHT TO BE A KEY COMPONENT TO ROTOR'S DEROBOTICIZER. FOREGOING THE USUAL TESTING PROCEDURES, IT WAS INSTALLED AND AN ATTEMPT WAS MADE TO DEROBOTICIZE BUNNIE. HOWEVER, ACTIVATION OF THE UNIT CAUSED THE COMPONENT SONIC HAD BROUGHT TO RELEASE A SHORT- LIVED BUT POWERFUL BIOTOXIN WHICH SPREAD THROUGHOUT KNOTHOLE AND KILLED ALL INHABITANTS BEFORE DISPERSING. TRACES OF THE BIOTOXIN WERE FOUND IN THE PLANT AND CELL TISSUES SUPPLIED FOR ANALYSIS." "But what went wrong?" "ANALYSIS SUGGESTS THAT RELEASE OF THE BIOTOXIN WAS INTENTIONAL. IT IS LIKELY THAT THE COMPONENT WAS DEVISED BY DR. ROBOTNIK TO RESEMBLE A DEROBOTICIZER COMPONENT, AND THAT SOMEONE BRINGING IT INTO KNOTHOLE WAS PART OF HIS INTENT." "Are...are you certain?" "THEORY CANNOT BE CONFIRMED WITHOUT ACCESSING DR. ROBOTNIK'S CORE COMPUTER MATRIX IN ROBOTROPOLIS. THERE MAY BE AN ENTRY IN ONE OF THE WEAPONS FILES THAT WOULD VERIFY THE INFORMATION." "What good would that do?" Tails asked as he sat down dejectedly on the floor. "Everybody's still dead." He sniffled, then wiped his nose on the back of his glove. "You can't change that." "PERHAPS YOU CAN." "Huh? What are you talking about?" "KNOTHOLE CONTINUES TO EXIST IN A TIMESTREAM THAT PRECEDES ROBOTROPOLIS BY THREE HOURS. GIVEN THAT THE TIME OF DEATH OCCURRED 41 MINUTES 24 SECONDS AGO, THAT LEAVES A WINDOW OF OVER TWO HOURS BEFORE THE DEATHS OF EVERYONE IN KNOTHOLE WILL BE CONFIRMED." "But you can't change time! Can you?" By way of answer, Nicole projected a holographic image in front of Tails. It was Sally. Tails's heart skipped a beat when he first saw her, then sank again when he looked over his shoulder at Sally's lifeless form on the floor. The image began speaking: "Diary entry: It's been two days since Sonic and I tried to use the Time Stones to go back to the past and stop Robotnik. We failed, but I was able to alert Rosie as to what was going to happen so that she could get away. And now Rosie is here, and Sonic and I seem to be the only ones who remember that there was a time when Rosie DIDN'T live here. It's all very confusing, but I'm still glad things worked out the way they did. I mean, Rosie's always been like a...." The image of Sally was starting to get choked up, but before she could say anything else the image vanished. Tails looked at the empty space where the image had been, then at Nicole. "You mean Rosie wasn't supposed to...She would've been...?" "AFFIRMATIVE." Tails told himself that it was impossible. Rosie had ALWAYS been in Knothole! But he couldn't imagine Saklly saying what she did if it weren't the truth. And if Rosie could be saved... "We...we gotta DO something! Where'd they get the Time Stones?" "THE LOCATION OF THE FLOATING ISLAND WHERE THEY FOUND THE TIME STONES IS UNKNOWN. BESIDES, IT WOULD TAKE TOO MUCH TIME TO LOCATE. SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE COURSE OF ACTION: LOCATE AND DESTROY THE COMPONENT BEFORE SONIC CAN BRING IT INTO KNOTHOLE FROM ROBOTROPOLIS. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN THE TIMESTREAM BECOMING UNALTERABLE." * * * Tails didn't know how he felt about what he was doing. Part of him told himself that this was crazy! But another part knew that Nicole was telling the truth, and that this was the only chance he had of bringing his friends back to life. Still, it didn't make him feel any better about approaching Robotropolis. Even though it appeared to be deserted, Tails didn't just fly in without taking precautions. There might be isolated SWAT-bots or Com-bots on patrol, thoroughly unpredictable and answerable to no one. That was why he had always come to the city with Sonic beside him. But this time, there was no Sonic, and he felt utterly alone. Even with Nicole as a traveling companion. Nicole wasn't much of a conversationalist, Tails realized. She never initiated any dialogue except to say that her sensors had picked up on something, or to tell Tails that there were so many minutes and so many seconds left to find Sonic and to keep him from bringing the component into Knothole. If Nicole was right, there was a Sonic in Robotropolis somewhere, and he'd soon find the fatal component. But Tails had no idea where it could be. Or where Sonic could be. With Robotnik gone, there were few if any limits on where Sonic could travel now in the city. And Tails didn't know where to look. Tails touched down just outside Robotnik's headquarters, which had once been the palace of the Acorn kings until it, like the rest of the city, had been remade in Robotnik's likeness. It was still a formidable, menacing structure, the way a deserted house looks scary simply BECAUSE it's deserted. Cautiously, Tails stepped inside. "Now what, Nicole?" Tails whispered, out of sheer habit. "I NEED TO INTERFACE WITH THE CORE COMPUTER." Looking around, Tails found a port which appeared to be the same size as Nicole. He inserted her into the port. "Does that work?" "ACCESSING. THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE," Nicole added. "That's OK, I'll stay here." Tails waited for about a minute, pacing around as Nicole silently tried to access the files she needed. He noticed that even the sound made by his sneakers seemed incredibly loud in the large, empty room. He needed to hear something else, needed to keep his mind off of the image of all those bodies back in Knothole. "Uh, Nicole...?" "YES?" "Would it slow you down if know...talked?" "I AM CAPABLE OF MULTITASKING. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT?" "I don't know, I...I only hope this works." "CLARIFICATION REQUIRED: WHAT IS 'HOPE'?" "What do you mean?" "I AM NOT PROGRAMMED TO EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS. HOPE IS AN EMOTION. THEREFORE CLARIFICATION IS REQUIRED." "Hope is...uh...well, it when you...I guess I don't know how to say it." Nicole sat silent for a second before speaking again. "DOCUMENT ACCESSED FROM INTERNAL FILES. DISPLAYING NOW." Suddenly a holographic image of a piece of paper floated in the air at eye level with Tails. It looked as if it had been hand- written by a child, or someone still learning to write, for some of the letters were misshapen or not aligned with the rest of the text. But it was still legible: HOPE is all some of us have anymore hope is what keeps us going and hope is the only thing that somepeople have. If you take that away from them it is like saying that they have no right to live and what is life without hope and hope alone is one of the fewthings that people need to make it in this world. "Wow!" Tails whispered, before adding: "I remember this! It was back when I was learning to write. Sonic helped me with a lot of it but the words were all mine! Guess it sounds pretty silly, huh?" "NEGATIVE, TAILS. SALLY SCANNED THE DOCUMENT INTO MY MEMORY AND HAS ACCESSED IT ON A REGULAR BASIS." "Really?" "WITHIN THE LAST YEAR SHE HAS PLAYED BACK THIS DOCUMENT ON AN AVERAGE OF ONCE EVERY 5.27 DAYS." "Why?" "DATA INSUFFICIENT TO DRAW CONCLUSION." "You think maybe she thought it was important?" "DATA INSUFFICIENT TO...TRANSACTION INTERRUPTED. FILE ACCESSED." "What? What does it say?" "ACCESSING DOCUMENT LABELED 'DECOY.01' LOCATED IN SUBFILE LABELED 'VENGEANCE WEAPONS'." Instantly the image of the piece of paper was replaced by one of Dr. Robotnik's nephew and major domo, Snively: "As you've ordered, Sir, the biotoxins have been prepared and stored in this, a container fashioned to look like the biomechanical enhancement modulator on the Roboticizer. They should remain in a dormant state indefinitely, until someone sends a current of electricity through it. Then the biotoxins will spread and kill all living things for a circumference of 200 yards before they become inert and die off. I'll be shelving this decoy in the warehouse right away. All we need is to figure out a way to make the Freedom Fighters take the bait." Almost immediately Nicole followed this with "ACCESSING DOCUMENT LABELED 'DECOY.02'" and displayed another image of Snively: "I've placed the decoy modulator in the main warehouse, Bay 3, shelf 27. It will be safe there until after I've finished calibrating the Ultimate Annihilator as you ordered." Then Nicole fell silent. "Nicole, is there anything else?" "THERE ARE NO OTHER DOCUMENTS IN THAT FILE." "Then we gotta get to the main warehouse! Do you know how to get there?" "AFFIRMATIVE." Revving up his tails, the young fox pulled Nicole from the computer port and flew off to a building that stood in the very shadow of Robotnik's headquarters. "How much longer, Nicole?" "ONE HOUR, 2 MINUTES, 17 SECONDS REMAINING," Nicole answered with no sense of urgency. Tails flew into an open doorway that let some light into the dusty interior of the warehouse; he hopes it would be enough. "Where to now, Nicole?" he asked, almost scaring himself as the sound of his voice echoed through the belly of the building. "BAY 3 IS FARTHER ALONG, PAST TWO AISLES. SHELF 27 IS ROUGHLY HALFWAY DOWN THE BAY." Flying along, Tails watched for any movement out of habit. "OK, we've passed two aisles, Nicole. Now what?" "SHELF 27 SHOULD BE ON YOUR LEFT, THE THIRD SHELF UP FROM THE FLOOR, IN THE THIRD ROW OF SHELVES." Tails looked and saw the third row of shelves disappearing above him. He settled down on the floor, with the third shelf just above eye level. Revving up again, he eased up a few inches, hovered for a few seconds, then settled back heavily. "It's gone," he said in a defeated tone. "It's not...." It then occurred to Tails to look at the floor. Even in the dim light he could see a fine coating of dust on the floor. And in the dust were sneaker tracks, sneakers with an all-too-familiar tread. "Nicole! Sonic's been here already! He's got it!" "SUGGEST YOU APPREHEND HIM. THERE ARE NOW 58 MINUTES 11 SECONDS REMAINING." Tails flew out of the warehouse and aimed for the edge of the city, the edge bordering on the Great Forest. He guessed he was still half a mile away when he saw a characteristic plume of dust disappearing into the forest. Even though Sonic had what seemed like an impossible head start, Tails flew after Sonic, flying faster and harder than he ever had before. Soon he was gulping for air and his chest began to hurt. He couldn't even hear the air rushing past, only his own pulse beating in his ears. On he flew, fighting against time and pain and his own panic, until he could see Sonic still juicing away about 400 yards ahead of him, and he was carrying the component. Tails tried to call out to him, but he was breathing so hard and so fast he couldn't say a thing. But it seemed to Tails that his efforts were paying off, for Sonic seemed to be getting closer and closer. There was a chance, Tails told himself! There was a chance after all! If he could get close enough to... Suddenly, Sonic looked over his shoulder at Tails and with a sly wink and no apparent effort on his part simply slipped on ahead. "Sonic, this is no time for games!" Tails thought to himself as he fought to make up lost ground. His lungs were burning and his eyes were stinging from perspiration and the hand in which he held Nicole was starting to tremble, but he flew on. Next thing Tails knew, he was approaching the entrance to the Great Oak Slide. But there was no Sonic! Was it too late? Or had he passed Sonic during a moment when he had been temporarily blinded and had to wipe his eyes? He began heading for the stump, in more of a dead fall than anything else, when Sonic slipped out from behind a tree and stopped by the stump just a second before Tails crash-landed into the grass nearby. "Good race, kid, but you gotta work on those landings," Sonic said, apparently oblivious to Tails's state of near-collapse. "You been taking lessons from Dulcy?" he added in jest. Tails tried to answer, but could only gasp for air. "Hey, check it out, little bud. I found this in ol' Buttnik's warehouse. Looks like one of those doodads Rotor says he needs for the deroboticizer. Let's head on down and check it out." Once more Tails tried to say something, anything, but only gulped in more air. "Here," Sonic said as he took hold of the dirt hockey stick that was propped up against the stump where Tails had left it, "better keep this out of the way so nobody trips over it. Now let's see," he continued as he turned toward the stump, "what's the best way to make a grand..." THWACK!!! Tails realized that he could never recover fast enough to tell Sonic everything, so there was only one course of action left. It had left a crack in the shaft of his dirt hockey stick, but it was the only thing he could think of. Sonic stood still for a moment, then let the component slip from his grasp. As Tails dived to catch it just before it hit the ground, Sonic fell forward, into the stump, and down the Slide. "Sorry," Tails managed to whisper after a minute. Then, he picked up Nicole. "" he managed to say between gulps of air. "PLEASE SPECIFY REQUEST." "How...long...." "THERE ARE NOW 32 MINUTES 21 SECONDS REMAINING." Picking up the unit, and trying to balance both it and Nicole, Tails took off again. * * * The journey to the Badlands was usually taken at a more leisurely pace. The scenery along the way was always interesting, but the Badlands themselves were even moreso. It was a field that churned and boiled with volcanic activity, from the hot water sulfur springs to the mud pots to the small but dangerously active volcanoes. Tails knew about the volcanoes, for Sonic had warned him often enough about them, but Tails knew that the only chance of destroying the component and the biotoxins it contained without harming anyone would be to drop it in one of the volcanoes and to get clear. He also knew that time was still of the essence. Just because he had intercepted Sonic that didn't mean he had undone what Dr. Robotnik's weapon had done. He had to be certain. He had to destroy it. "THERE ARE NOW 4 MINUTES 8 SECONDS REMAINING," Nicole announced. Every muscle in Tails's tails and legs screamed with pain, but he kept on until he saw what he was looking for: it was a small volcano, only as tall at the rim as he was, the lava within churning and bubbling red and black. "THERE ARE NOW 3 MINUTES 19 SECONDS REMAINING." Tails tried diving for the mouth of the volcano, but the current of hot air rising from it was enough to send him tumbling. He hit the ground but held onto the device, even though it meant dropping Nicole. "THERE ARE NOW 2 MINUTES 57 SECONDS REMAINING," was Nicole's comment. Tails tried to stand but promptly fell back down. The muscles in his legs were totally fatigued. But he wasn't about to give up now. Using his arms to drag himself and the component the 12 yards to the volcano, he managed with the last ounce of his strength to push it to the rim of the volcano. There is teetered for a moment, then fell inward. "THERE ARE NOW 29 SECONDS REMAINING." Tails looked up. The end of the component was still visible. It hadn't sunk into the lava! The pure adrenaline of panic forced Tails to stand. He could see the component defiantly standing upended in the lava, like a spoon in a bowl of oatmeal. "TWENTY SECONDS. NINETEEN. EIGHTEEN." A rock! Tails needed a rock! That thing HAD to sink! He saw a rock the size of a small melon and tried picking it up, but it slipped from his grasp. "THIRTEEN. TWELVE. ELEVEN." He reached for it and picked it up once more, then clumsily tossed it toward the volcano as if it were a sack. It was such a clumsy throw that he fell over backwards, but the rock found its mark and landed on the component. "SIX. FIVE. FOUR." At that moment the volcano sent a plume of lava into the air. Sonic had told him before that the safest place to be when that happened was up and away. Without even thinking he revved up and took to the air. Looking down now on the volcano, he could see only a small portion of the component still visible above the lava, but it was now soft and deformed by the heat, heat that was sufficient to have killed any biotoxin. Only now did Tails allow himself the luxury of total exhaustion. He didn't land so much as he let his strength give out, and he splashed down unceremoniously in a hot spring. * * * Tails flew back to Knothole slowly. It wasn't just because he was exhausted and was only slowly regaining his strength. There was another reason as well. "You think we did it?" Tails asked Nicole. "OUTCOME HAS A HIGH DEGREE OF PROBABILITY, BUT REQUIRES VERIFICATION." "That's what I'm afraid of," Tails admitted. "What if we didn't do it?" "VERIFICATION REQUIRED." Tails said nothing until Nicole suddenly spoke up: "I WANT TO THANK YOU." "For what?" "I NOW UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS TO HOPE: IT IS TO ANTICIPATE A BETTER RESOLUTION TO A SITUATION THAN THE ONE THAT SEEMS MOST PROBABLE." "Is that what hope feels like?" "I DID NOT SAY I COULD FEEL HOPE, BUT I NOW UNDERSTAND HOPE." "Oh," Tails said, not really sure of the distinction. But the guesswork was almost over, for they had arrived back at the stump. Tails landed, closed up Nicole,set her down on the ground next to the stump, then cautiously peered inside. He knew what he had seen last time he had taken the Oak Slide, and he wished with all his heart that he wouldn't see it again. But what if he HAD failed? What if he had tried and... "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" In fright, Tails fell backwards as something raced up the Slide coming straight for him. That something flew up into the air, then came back down and stood in front of him, its blue shape now decidedly less blurry. "Sonic!?" "That's my name, don't we..." At once, Tails jumped up and hugged Sonic as if his own life depended on it. "Uh...good to see you too, kid." "Sonic, you're ali...I mean you're all right!" "Sure, everyone's all right. Except for Sal." Tails suddenly felt cold again. "Aunt Sally? W...what's wrong?" "THIS is what's wrong," Sonic announced as he scooped Nicole off the ground and flipped open her screen. "Yo, Nicole! You got your hiney on-liney?" "JUICING ON ALL CIRCUITS, MY MAIN HEDGEHOG." "Cool," he said before closing her up. "Bad enough that the part I brought back from Buttnik's warehouse turned out to be bogus, but now Sal's freaked because she can't find Nicole anywhere! So I thought I'd come up here and check it out. She musta dropped it or something. Here," he said as he tossed Nicole to Tails, "better juice on down there before Sal starts taking Knothole apart board by board!" Sonic was only a little puzzled as he watched Tails smile the biggest smile he'd ever seen, then dive into the stump. His "YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" followed him down the slide. "Yeah," Sonic thought to himself, "he's a good kid. I gotta spend more time with him. Especially now that Buttnik bought the big one. But first I'd like to know where I got this mondo headache!" THE END