OCLC FirstSearch

Online Computer Library Center First Search provides different types of 
reference sources or information: 

     Encyclopedia - Britannica Online (full text)

     Phone Directory - Acxiom Biz and Acxiom Home 

     Book Reviews - Book Review Digest

     Biographies - Biography Index

     Company information - WorldscopeS and Disclosure

     Dissertations - Dissertation Abstracts

     Documents - ERIC (records with ED numbers refer to documents which are in microfiche in the
          Media Center)

     News from local/regional newspapers - NewsAbs

     Web sites (cataloged by member libraries) - NetFirst

     Books and other types of holdings in libraries worldwide - WorldCat

     Periodical Articles -
          Coverage:  newspaper articles, news wires, magazine articles, journal articles
          Contents:  all contain citations; some may have abstracts, full text, or full image
          Types of indexes:  general and special
               General - Periodical Abstracts, WilsonSelect Plus, Reader's Guide, etc.
               Special - Medline, MLA Bibliography, Agricola, etc.

                               OCLC EXERCISE
                        				Truncation: +
                                               	        Operators: and, or, not
                                             		Mark maximum of 20 items 
A. Basic Search          

     1. Title Search: HTML 4 THE WORLD WIDE WEB
          From the James White Library
          Follow the pathway until you get to 
          Do a title search: HTML 4 the world wide web

     2. Find libraries that have a book not owned by James White Library
          Find a record not owned by James White Library
          Name the nearest library_____________________________________
     3. ONLY FOR ANDREWS STUDENTS/STAFF.  Ineligible patrons, skip to next number. 
          Do an Interlibrary Loan request.
          Return to the record
          Click on 
          Fill out the form.  Leave cost and date needed.
          DO NOT SUBMIT! Click 
     4. Apply the Subject Linking technique to find other books on the same topic.
          From the full record of the book which JWL does not have, click one Subject link 
          What subject did you choose?_____________________________
          How many results?________

     5. Mark and copy
          Select  records and mark (choose 2 just for practice)
          Change format to  or 
          Choose one of three options to copy:
               Print - click on  and be sure to preview prior to printing
               Email - click on 
               Download to disk - click on , , give file name

II. Advanced Search

     Combine two or three concepts using Boolean operators and specify the correct index.

     author and title
     title and source
     keyword and keyword

     1. Topical Search: Accidents caused by alcohol drinking
          Select one database: WilsonSelect Plus
          For the first box:: type accident+ as a Keyword
          Set operator to and 
          For the second box: type alcohol+ as a Keyword
          Search. Results? ______________________
     2. Modify the Search
          Expand: "or" within a concept
          Modify the search so that the second box reads: alcohol+ or drunk driving
          Search.  Results?______________________

          Narrow: year, language, or type.  
          Limit the search to the years 1997-2000.
          Search.  Results?______________________ 
     3. Choose one full text article
          Choose options:
               Read on screen
               Print - Click 
               Email - Click 
               Download - Click  and 
III. Multiple-Database Search
     Three methods: 
          List all - choose databases if you know the names
          List by topic - narrow selection of databases by general subject area
          Suggest best - type search terms and choose subject area
     Maximum no. of databases to select - 3

     Try some of these topics.  Write search plan, pathway taken, and results:
          Gender and management
          Alcohol poisoning among college students
          Dealing with adolescent depression
          Your own topic: _______________________________________     


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