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The Blue Devils, The story of VMF-451 during WWII - A Documentary Film

September 12, 2006

The aviators of World War II are a breed apart, and their exploits are legendary. But, there is more to the stories. Behind the feats of flying you can find real men and friendships forged in war. TLD Productions has begun research and interviews with the men behind the machines; collecting their stories to create a snapshot of history.


TLD Productions chief Terry Dodge says this project is a labor of love. Terry is a certified pilot and mechanic. "I love airplanes," he said. "I am especially fascinated with the F4U Corsair. That is how I came into contact with Archie Donahue."


From his first meeting the ace, Terry knew this man had a great story to tell. "What is fascinating to me is not just the story of how Archie became an ace, but the stories of the men who fought with Archie. We want to honor Archie and the units he flew with."


"The facts of a battle can be read in a history book, but capturing the experiences and the unique personalities of these men is what I hope to accomplish. It is all about the people. I want to help preserve their legacy."


Check out the trailer for the docuemtary film: http://vmf-451.tld-productions.com/trailer.htm


For more information send email to: dodge@tld-productions.com


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