WeB pAgE pApEr!

   A successful web page in my opinion must have certain characteristics. It should be well organized, creative, and have a touch of humor if it wants to catch the attention of it's viewers. By following these three guidelines, people who are browsing through web sites will most likely spend more time at that particular site. One feature that can attract a web surfers attention would be the organization of the page. Someone looking at a particular web site will first notice the order of it. If it's too sloppy, doesn't make sense, or if it's too dull, people will assume it's boring and go elsewhere. But if it has a good layout, it's organized, and colorful, it'll keep the reader wanting to see more. First impression is everything so a good one must be delivered from the start. The use of color must be used wisely as well. If there is too much color or if there are too many things going on at once on the page, that will just give the viewer a migraine headache. A good example of such a web site is Cindy Chun's school page (http://www.andrews.edu/~chun). This web site show's lot's of color and pictures and at the same time is very well organized. It is easy to get carried away when those two are present but she keeps it under control and uses it wisely.

   While using the colors and pictures, a viewer can also get what the personality of the creator is like. A web site should usually be an expression of what the webmaster is like. While looking through web pages, I noticed Eunice Kim's web page to be very creative and a mirror image of what she's like. (http://www.andrews.edu/~eunicek) Through this web site I got a brief idea of what her personality is like which says a lot about the page. She added many animation pictures of Winney the Pooh and even added pics of her and her friends and of music groups she likes. Just that alone says so much about her. So by using expression in building a web site is good because then it doesn't follow the same generic guideline that all the other web pages follow. It's unique, creative, and you!

   Another creative touch a web page designer can add to their web page would be humor. It may be very subtle, but it can have a huge impact on the overall page. It also gives viewers something to remember that page by. There probably isn't anybody out there who doesn't like humor, it's probably the most universal personality out there. Humor can attract someone to the site or at least have them reading for more. A pretty decent example of this is Ben An's web site (http://www.andrews.edu/~an). He added a touch of humor which is parallel to his personality. His humor kept me reading the next line until I reached the bottom of the page. That shows that he used humor wisely enough to keep me reading until I was done. He didn't have much interesting stuff such as pictures or any other graphics, but the humor he added made up for a lot.

   Overall, by combining organization, creativity, and humor, a web page designer can get a really good page going. It's important not to get too carried away with it all but by keeping it all under control, the web page will be getting many hits not only from friends but strangers as well.