INSY 448
Database Systems
Winter, 1997

Instructor: Ron Vyhmeister
Phone: 471-3458 (office) 473-3732 (home, before 10 p.m.)

Course description

A study of database models including the hierarhical, networ, relational and object oriented models and the examination of such practical issues as database design, setup, and manipulation. Other selected topics include data integrity, data seurity, backup and recovery procedures, database administration, etc. Several programming projects are assigned involving the use of a database management system. Prerequisite: COSC 163.


McFadden, Fred R., and Hoffer, Jeffrey A. Modern Database Management, 4th ed. Redwood City, CA: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, 1994.

Pratt, Philip J. A guide to SQL. Danvers, Mass: Boyd & Fraser, 1995.

Grading and course policies

Grades will be assigned based on the following scale:

Grading Scale
A 95%
A- 90
B+ 87
B 83
B- 80
C+ 76
C 71
C- 65
D 55
Points Distribution
Mid-term Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%
Homework and Projects 50%

Late work receives a grade of 0. I will grade it for your edification, if you would like. If you must be late to (or miss) some class period or test, please make arrangements before-hand. I do not make arrangements after the fact, and missing a test of quiz means a 0. Quizzes will only be handed out to those who are there at the beginning of the quiz. If you are late, you will not be given the opportunity to take the quiz. Quizzes may or may not be announced. You are responsible at any time for the material covered the last class period, as well as the assigned reading for the current period.

Except when specifically told otherwise by the instructor, everyone should work on their own. If you do work with a friend, make sure that your work is not a copy of theirs. If cheating does occur, a frade of "F" will be assigned for the course. I will make no distinction between the "source" and the "destination".

All homework submission will be in electronic format. You should own at least two (2) 3.5" HD disks for your work and backups. You will also need an account on the Andrews University computer system.


1. Write a brief description of the database systems experience you have had an opportunity to use, and send it to me electronically. This is due by January 14th.

Assignments in Class and Projects

There will be regular assignments in class. The due date will be announced as they are assigned. In addition, there will be projects. These will be assigned in class.

Course Schedule

Following is a TENTATIVE course schedule. It may be changed at the instructors discression, with an announcement in class. If you miss a class period, please contact one of your classmates to check for any announcements. This schedule reflects only the theoretical parts of the course. The corresponding applied components will be taught at the same time as the theory.

January 7 Introduction
The Database Environment (Chapter 1)
January 14 A Development of a Database Application (Chapter 2)
The Database Development Process (Chapter 3)
January 21 The Entity-Relationship Model (Chapter 4)
January 28 The Object-Oridented Data Model (Chapter 5)
Logical Design and the Relational Model (Chapter 6)
February 4 Physical Database Design (Chapter 7)
February 11 Mid-term Exam
Work on Projects
February 18 Data Administration (Chapter 12)
February 25 Client/Server and Distributed Databases (Chapter 13)
March 4 Hierarchical Database Systems (Chapter 14)
Network and CODASYL Implemenetations (Chapter 15)
March 11 Final Exam