Software Engineering

Winter 2000


Bill Wolfer     Office: Located in Harrigan Hall, ph#  6024, 

                       Home:  473-1141 (Please no calls after 9pm)

                       Email:  wolferb@andrews.edu    


Advanced Software Engineering

A study of applied software product development issues, including requirement analysis, systems and software design methodologies, software-project planning models (e.g., COCOMO), implementation, testing and reuse, language, tool and hardware selection, software economics, productivity measurement, risk management, statistical process evaluation, and control.

Text Books



Upon successful completion of this class, the student should be familiar with:


Grades will be based upon a percent system as follows:

Tests   MT 20% Final 25% 45%   A 95 - 100
Watts.Humphrey    10%

Tom Gilb     10%

Fred Brooks   10%

30% A- 90 -94

 Readings (rpts) 10%

10% B+ 85 - 89


Keep a Log of labs

5% Required



B 80 - 84
Note: these are guaranteed grades.  Your instructor reserves the right to adjust the percentages downward. B- 75 - 79
C+ 70 -74
C 65 - 69
C- 60 - 64
D 55 - 59
F 0 - 54

Rules to follow:


Book Reports

Book reports must have.

     One half page per chapter for each chapter in each book.  Include Two Page Critique of each book.

                    Gilb             Due:

                    Brooks:       Due:

                    Humphrey   Due:

Reading Reports:

    Reading reports must have.

                    Due Beginning of each class period

                    Must be read form Software Engineering ACM or IEEE Software Engineering periodicals ONLY.  If you have a specific                         article that you would like to include it must be Approved by your instructor first..


There are no make-up exams.  The mid term will be announced at the appropriate time and the Final will be during test week as published in the class schedule. .