SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME A Sonic comic story featuring Hope Kintobor Part 4 Page 1 Layout: one page-wide panel across the top one-third of the page, two rows of half-page panels below that. Panel 1: View of HOPE and MINA in a holding cell. There's a small window in the wall, through which we can see a little bit of New Megaopolis. MINA rests against one wall, seated on the floor, her knees drawn up and her arms around her legs. HOPE is curled up on the single cot in the room. Panel 2. Close-up of HOPE asleep. Panel 3: Same as Panel 2 except that everything is colored with a Chaos Emerald greenish glow from off-panel. Panel 4: Same as Panel 2 except that we can see a bit of SHADOW standing near HOPE, who is still asleep. SHADOW [Thought balloon]: She's asleep. Panel 5: Shadow looks down at HOPE. SHADOW [Thought balloon]: Is she dreaming? Text box: "Maria..." Page 2 Layout: Three rows of two panels each. Panel 1: Note: Panels 1 through 5 on this page are tinted to indicate a flashback sequence. The scene is the Ark, the space laboratory of Prof. Gerald Kintobor, from S98's "As the Shadow Awakes" and the Sonic Adventure 2 game continuity. SHADOW is a shadowy silhouette inside a liquid-filled tube (hereinafter referred to as a "pickle jug"). MARIA, Gerald Kintobor's granddaughter, converses with SHADOW who communicates in text boxes throughout the sequence. The impression is that they have established a rapport beyond mere human communication. MARIA stands near a window; she looks out into space and one hand rests on the glass of the window. SHADOW Text box: "...You've spoken of dreams, Maria." SHADOW Text box: "Dreams that humans have when they are awake." Panel 2: Close-up of MARIA turning toward SHADOW. She smiles slightly. MARIA Oh, THOSE kind of dreams! MARIA That's another way of talking about what people hope for, what will make them happy. Panel 3: MARIA faces SHADOW's pickle jug. MARIA Do you understand? SHADOW Text box: "No." Panel 4: Full-front view of SHADOW in the pickle jug. His silhouette is distinct, but no details are visible. The way his spikes swirl in the liquid, you should get the impression of Goku from Dragonball Z about to go Seiyan on somebody's butt. SHADOW Text box: "Your grandfather created me as a weapon. I do not dream." SHADOW Text box: "I don't think I can even learn how." Panel 5: Maria places one hand against the side of SHADOW's pickle jug. MARIA You're a living being, Shadow. I'm SURE you can dream! MARIA I believe in... Panel 6: Panel 6 is an abrupt pull back to reality as MECHA throws open the door of the holding cell. The flashback tint gives way to normal coloring. HOPE and MARIA awaken and react to MECHA's appearance. There is no sign of SHADOW. SFX: CLANG! Page 3 Layout: Three rows of two panels each. Panel 1: EGGMAN in the foreground at the left of the panel in profile, grinning. A door slides open to reveal MECHA holding onto HOPE with one arm. EGGMAN Well, well, if it isn't my... Panel 2: EGGMAN is still in the foreground but turned away from MECHA who holds onto HOPE with one hand and, we can now see, Mina with the other. EGGMAN is clearly angry. EGGMAN [Burst balloon]: A.D.A.M. EGGMAN You didn't TELL me Mecha had taken any PRISONERS! Panel 3: EGGMAN leans toward a video monitor with a green-on- black display. One hand covers his face in an "I don't need the aggravation!" gesture. A.D.A.M. [Computer balloon, as in S135's "Anonymous"]: YOU NEVER ASKED. EGGMAN SHEESH! ROBOTS! No INITIATIVE!! Panel 4: EGGMAN in the foreground reconsiders what he just said in the previous panel. In the mid-ground HOPE struggles against MECHA, kicking it in the knee. EGGMAN WAIT! That's a GOOD thing! No initiative means no rebelliousness! EGGMAN Speaking of rebelliousness.... HOPE Let us GO, creep-face!! Panel 5: Close-up of EGGMAN and HOPE, both in profile looking at each other. EGGMAN grins evilly while HOPE angrily stares back at him. EGGMAN Unless you want to end up like your father and grandmother, you'd better learn to show some respect to your elders! Panel 6: EGGMAN turns around to the source of a voice off-panel to the right. HOPE, surprised, looks in the same direction. SHADOW [Off-panel] Let her go! Page 4 Layout: three rows of two half-page panels Panel 1: EGGMAN's face in the foreground, reacting with surprise and alarm to the sight of SHADOW standing in mid-ground. EGGMAN SHADOW!! Panel 2: EGGMAN in mid-ground, comes down with a case of movement lines to show he's trembling with fear. An impassive SHADOW stares at him. EGGMAN W-where have you been? SHADOW I've been watching over the girl. Now let her go! Panel 3: EGGMAN in the foreground shouts as MECHA appears in the mid-ground. EGGMAN YOU don't give the orders here! EGGMAN [burst balloon] MECHA! MECHA Yes, Father. Panel 4: Close-up of SHADOW in profile looking at EGGMAN. EGGMAN [off-panel] Teach this upstart some manners. Panel 5: MECHA approaches SHADOW, its arms raised. SHADOW's back is to the reader. Panel 6: Close-up of SHADOW's left hand, which appears to be grasping something, something that gives off a slight green glow from between the fingers of his glove. Page 5 Layout: splash page Frontal view of SHADOW in mid-ground, his right arm extended toward the reader and his hand open. Around him is a vortex of metal parts spiraling around him in the foreground and background with SHADOW at the eye of the metal storm. SFX: CHAOS CONTROL! Page 6 Layout: three rows of two half-page panels. Panel 1: EGGMAN reaction shot; his hands are pressed against his temples and his mouth hands open. SFX: NOOO!! Panel 2: EGGMAN is on his knees, picking up MECHA's arm and holding it in his hands. EGGMAN What have you DONE to my MECHA? Panel 3: The computer terminal standing in for A.D.A.M. is at the left mid-ground. EGGMAN in the right foreground turns his head to address it angrily. A.D.A.M. [computer balloon] SHE'S BEEN TAKEN APART, DISASSEMBLED, FRAGMENTED... EGGMAN SHUT UP, A.D.A.M.!! Panel 4: Close-up of SHADOW's face full front. SHADOW I took your creation apart, Eggman. SHADOW You can always put it back together. Panel 5: extreme close-up of SHADOW's eyes. SHADOW But it's not going to happen... Panel 6: EGGMAN and SHADOW face each other in profile. EGGMAN does a startled reaction to SHADOW's dialogue. SHADOW ...because now I'm going to TAKE YOU APART! Text box: Continued.