[ Checklist for Student TrainingShelving ProceduresOpening the LibraryClosing the LibraryProcessing Scores and Music BooksRunning OverduesAdding Items to a Bibliographic Record ]

Checklist for Student Training
        Locations in the MMC
        Music materials in the main library
      Circulation Desk
    Hold shelf
    CDs and LPs
    Shelving area
    Phone & Computer policies
    Time cards
      Circulation procedures
      Shelving procedures
      Searching JeWeL
      Teaching JeWeL
      Basic reference sources
    Dictionaries & encyclopedias
    Thematic catalogues
    Monuments/collected works
    regular size scores
    miniature scores
    oversize scores
       Periodical indexes
      Community patrons
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Shelving Procedures

The Shelving Cart

The top shelf of the cart is reserved for books and scores used by patrons, but not yet checked in or counted for in-library use. After items are checked in or counted, they should be placed on the bottom shelf.

The Shelving Corner

The far right corner of the circulation desk, directly next to the door, is reserved for CDs, LPs, and any reserve items that have been checked in and need to be shelved.

The Shelving Policy

Unless there are new employees who are being trained on shelving, all employees should complete as much shelving as possible (at least 90%) before their shift is over.

Tricky Shelving Issues

Colored dots - Items with green or yellow dots, even though they have the same call numbers as other scores, must be shelved in the oversize or miniature score sections, respectively.

M vs. MT - Pay close attention to this first classification letter. M comes first, followed by M plus any other letter.

Music Ref. - Some music ref. items have the similar call numbers to scores. To avoid mistakes in this area, always check the location indicated at the bottom of the label before shelving.

Cutter numbers The first cutter number is shelved decimally, succeeding cutter number in regular alpha-numeric order.

Dates Items with identical call #'s with no date are shelved before ones with dates.


Opening the Library

1. Turn on the lights and open the blinds in both the office and the library. As you are opening the blinds, pick up any materials left out the night before. Also, be sure the listening equipment is off.

2. Change the daily materials report sheet. Place the used one in the appropriate file folder in the bottom drawer on the far right of the circulation desk. On Sunday morning change the weekly patron report sheet and file the used one in its folder in the same drawer.

3. Turn on the computer screens in the library (circulation desk and patron computer). On Sunday, all computers will need to be turned on.

4. Unlock the CD cabinets.

5. Change the dates on the duedate stamps and stamp a few cards.

6. Run overdues.

7. Do any reshelving left over from the night before.

8. On Monday, collect time cards from last week and calculate total times for the week. Leave these for the music librarian to sign, and leave the totals for each person on Wanda's voice mail at the main library.

9. At the beginning of each month, collect the Items added records for the past month and compile the data from them on the statistics sheet provided for that purpose. Place new cards or sheets for the current month in the appropriate locations.

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Closing the Library

1. Lock the library door.

2. Close all the blinds in the library and office.

3. Pick up all items left lying about and reshelve them. (Don't forget to count them as in-library use!)

4. Check to be sure all listening equipment is turned off.

5. Turn off computer screens in the library (if the theory computer is on, turn it off). Be sure all programs on the office computers are shut down. These computers should be in Windows. On Friday, all computers should be turned off.

6. Lock the CD cabinets.

7. Straighten all chairs.

8. Turn off the lights in the office and the library.

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Processing Scores and Music Books

All Scores

1. In update mode, scan the barcode of the item.

2. Check the following information in the first screen (Bibliographic Information)

a) Field 04 - I Type: 0 (zero) for circulating materials

2 for non-circulating materials

b) Field 18 - Location:'muref' for music reference materials

'music' for regular & oversized scores

'mumin' for miniature scores

'mulps' for LPs (records)

'mucds' for CDs

'mumon' for M2 and M3 scores

c) Field 20 - Status: - (hyphen) for circulating materials

o (lower-case O) for non-circulating

3. Press 'E' to switch screens to Item Information. In this screen, use 'M' (more) to scroll through the information. Check the following:

a) Call number.

i) Recon materials - this should be the same as the updated number on the card inside the front cover.

ii) New materials - call number should be the same as the call number on the sheet inside the material or on a post-it on the front cover.

If there are any discrepancies between the two, make a note of them in as much detail as possible, and leave the scores, with the note, on the 'Enigmas and Variations' shelf.

b) Item title, description, etc.

This information should describe the physical item.

4. Press 'Y' to view the record as patrons will see it. Double-check that all information appears in the correct places and looks right.

5. Add any additional copies, volumes, or parts. (See instruction sheet on adding items to a record) This must be done after all information has been verified, so that the information in all these records will be correct.

6. Type labels.

a) Recon materials - type two call number labels, one for the front cover, and one for the pocket inside. After you place the label on the cover, white out any information from the old label that is still showing.

b) New materials - type one call number label for the front cover, and type the call number on a pocket, to be placed inside the front cover. If the score is covered, also type a title label to be placed in the upper left corner of the cover. This label should contain the composer's name, and the title of the song in English (if given).

Use book tape to affix all labels on the covers.

7. Affix colored dots, if necessary, to the spine and the inside pocket:

miniature scores - yellow dot

non-circulating reference books - red dot

oversized scores - green dot

8. Verify inside stamping and call number.

a) Recon materials

i) check to be sure each score has the JWL/MMC stamp on the title page (or on the first page if there is no title page), and on page 51 (if it exists).

ii) change the call number written in pencil on the back of the title page (or the first page). This number should be the same as the one that appears on the cover of the score, including any part, volume, or copy numbers.

b) New materials

i) stamp the score with the JWL/MMC stamp on the title page (or on the first page if there is no title page) and page 51 (if it exists).

ii) write the call number in pencil on the back of the title page (or on the first page). This should be the same number as the one that appears on the cover of the score, including any part, volume, or copy numbers.

9. Place materials on the shelving cart.

a) Recon materials - place the updated card catalog card from inside the front cover on top of the card box next to the filing cabinets. Any old check-out cards can be thrown away.

b) New materials - any sheets of paper, receipts, or order pages can be thrown away after processing is completed.

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Running Overdues

1. Log into the library system using the 'mmcstu' or '4mmcstaf' login. You should use the cataloging computer attached to the Epson printer (not the one by the librarian's desk or at the checkout counter).

2. Press the space bar or 'j' to enter the JeWeL system.

3. Select 'c' for the circulation sub-system, then 'a' for additional functions.

4. From the additional functions menu, select 'n' to print notices. You will have to enter your initals and password to access this program, since the 'mus' and 'mmc' passwords are not cleared for this procedure.

5. From the circulation notices menu, select 'o' to print overdue notices, then '3' to print only MMC notices, and 'a' to print all notices.

6. The computer will then ask if the notices should contain fines or not. Type 'y' for yes, then press the space bar.

7. If there are notices to run, select 'b' to begin printing the notices, then select 1 to print on our attached printer. If there are no overdue notices, the computer will tell you. Press the space bar to exit and skip to step 8. If there are no notices of bills and fines, skip to step 13.

8. After the notices are printed, check to be sure there were no great calamities, then press 'y' to let the computer know that everything is okay. If there are problems, choose 'n' instead. The computer will let you select which notices to print again. The computer will then exit to the circulation notices menu.

9. Select 'b' to print notices of bills and fines, then 'a' to print all notices and '3' to print only notices from the MMC.

10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 above.

11. Exit the circulation notices menu by pressing 'q' and the additional functions menu by pressing 'q' again.

12. Press the 'tear off' button on the Epson printer to advance the paper so it can be torn off.

13. Look through the manual check-out box to be sure there are no items overdue. Any cards for items due that day should be placed behind the 'due today' divider, and any cards for overdue items should be placed behind the 'overdue' divider.

14. Check on the shelves for any items listed as overdue. If they are there, make a note on the overdue sheet and leave the sheet on the 'Enigmas and Variations' shelf. Any other items about which you have a question should also be left on this shelf.

15. Print notices for any manual check-out materials. Using the computer attached to the Epson, access WordPerfect from DOS. Use the F5 key to bring up a list of files, and select either '1stnotice' or '2ndnotice' as appropriate. You will have to manually enter the date, the patron's name and address, and the information for the overdue item.

16. Fold the pages in thirds so that the address is on the outside and all other information is on the inside. Staple the ends of the page together.

17. Take the overdue notices upstairs to the music office and place them in the blue outgoing mail crate by the office door. Notices for music faculty members should be taped to their office door.

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Adding Items to a Bibliographic Record

Some items have multiple copies, volumes, or parts which need to be added. This step should not be done until all bibliographic information has been verified online and corrected, if necessary.

Adding Volumes

1) Call up the original record. In the Bibliographic Record screen, type 'i' to insert a field. At the prompt, type 'v' for volume. The original will most likely be volume one, so type 'v.1' and hit return.

2) Type 'n' for new record. At the prompt, type 'm' to save the changes you have just made. The computer will then create another record withthe same information. The new record will not, however, have a barcode or volume number field.

3) Type 'i' to insert the volume number of the next book. After inserting this, type 'i' again, and this time select 'b' for barcode. Place a new barcode inside the front cover of the book or score, above the pocket, and scan or enter the number.

4) At this point you can either create another new record if there are more volumes, or exit and save the record. To create another record, repeat steps two and three. To exit, type 'q'. Be sure to confirm the record you've added by typing 'a' to add the record to the database.

5) Record the number of records you added on the card or sheet provided for that purpose.

Adding Parts

The procedure for this is the same as that for adding volumes, with one exception. In step 1, type 'i' to insert and 'v' for volume, then type 'pt.1'. For items with parts, the score should always be labelled part 1, followed by any solo parts.

Adding Copies

1) Call up the original record. You do not need to alter this record in any way.

2) Press 'n' to create a new record. In the new record, type '01' to edit the copy number field. Input the new copy number and press return.

3) Type 'i' to insert a new field, and 'b' to make it a barcode. Place a new barcode inside the front cover of the piece, above the pocket, and scan or enter the number.

4) You can now create another new record if there are more copies to add, or quit and save the record you have just created. In either case, be sure to confirm the creation of the new record by typing 'a'.

5) Record the number of records you created on the card or sheet provided for that purpose.

If copies, parts, or volumes get out of order

1) Call up the record of any item in the set.

2) Press 's' to view the record summary. This will include all items entered under that bibliographic record.

3) Press 'm' to move a record, and therefore change the order in which it will be displayed in JeWeL.

Oversize booklets

Some CDs may have oversize booklets that cannot be shelved with them. To process these:

1) Following the directions for adding volumes, add an item record for the booklet.

2) Add a volume field "v=booklet"

3) Put the letter 'b' in the Imessage field (field 23) of the CD's item record.

4) Label the booklet with the CD's call number.

5) Place the booklet on permanent 2-hour reserve.

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