Algebra 2 by Richard Wright

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0-02 Use Problem Solving Strategies and Models

Mr. Wright teaches the lesson.


SDA NAD Content Standards (2018): AII.4.1, AII.5.1, AII.5.5, AII.7.2

thermometer. Credit: Pixabay/OpenClipart-Vectors
Figure 1: Fahrenheit thermometer. (Pixabay/OpenClipart-Vectors)

The United States uses the Fahrenheit temperature scale. Most of the world uses Celsius. This means that temperatures need to be converted from one temperature scale to the other using a formula.

Some Formulas

Distance/Rated = rt
Area of a Triangle\(A=\frac{1}{2}bh\)
Area of a RectangleA = ℓw
Perimeter of a RectangleP = 2 + 2w
Area of a Trapezoid\(A=\frac{1}{2}\left(b_1+b_2\right)h\)
Area of a CircleA = πr2
Circumference of a CircleC = 2πr

Strategies to Solve Real-Life (Word) Problems

Often it is easiest to write an equation in words before you write it in mathematical equations. This is called a verbal model. You probably think this way in your head already when you are trying to solve problems.

Ways to find a verbal model

Example 1

Figure 2: Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem (Hugo van der Goes)

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. … And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. Luke 2:1-4

It is 68.9 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem in a straight line, but Joseph and Mary likely went in a route that was about 90 miles. If the average walking speed is 3 miles per hour, how many hours did Joseph and a pregnant Mary have walk?


Strategy: Use a formula. Since the problem contains distance and speed, which is a rate, use d = rt.

d = rt

$$ 90 \text{ mi} = \left(3\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{hr}}\right)t $$

30 hr = t

Taking time to rest, it has been estimated that the trip took about 9 days.

Example 2

Figure 3: Bird on feeder (RW)

The following table shows the total number of birds, b, seen at a bird feeder for several hours, h, during a day. Find the total number of birds after 7 hours.

Time (hours), h12345
Birds, b48121620


Strategy: Look for a pattern. During every hour the number of birds increases by 4. Add 4 two more times. Total number of birds after 7 hours is 20 + 2×4 = 28 birds.

Example 3

Hyundai Elantra
Figure 4: Hyundai Elantra (Public Domain)

On a business trip, a Hyundai Elantra car used 18 gallons of gasoline and traveled a total distance of 585 miles. The car's fuel efficiency is 34 miles per gallon on the highway and 25 miles per gallon in the city. How many gallons of gasoline were used in the highway?


Strategy: Use a formula. Since the problem is about rates, the rate formula should work. d = rt where d = distance, r = fuel rate, t = gallons of gasoline. There are two rates, so use two rt's.

The amount of gas used on the highway will be x. Since the total amount of gallons used is 18 gal, the amount used in the city will be the difference, 18 gal − x.

$$ \begin{array}{rll} d & =r_{highway}t_{highway}+r_{city}t_{city} & \\ 585 \text{ mi} & =\left(34\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{gal}}\right)x+\left(25\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{gal}}\right)\left(18 \text{ gal}-x\right) & \\ 585 \text{ mi} & =\left(34\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{gal}}\right)x+450 \text{ mi}-\left(25\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{gal}}\right)x & \gets\mathrm{Distribute} \\ 585 \text{ mi} & =\left(9\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{gal}}\right)x+450 \text{ mi} & \gets\mathrm{Combine\ like\ terms} \\ 135 \text{ mi} & =\left(9\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{gal}}\right)x & \gets\mathrm{Subtract}\ 450\ \mathrm{mi\ from\ both\ sides} \\ 15 \text{ gal} & =x & \gets\mathrm{Divide\ both\ sides\ by\ }9\frac{\text{mi}}{\text{gal}} \end{array} $$

The car used 15 gallons of gas on the highway.

Practice Exercises

    Use the given formula to solve for the missing variable.

  1. Distance/rate formula, d = 15 km, r =  ? , t = 3 h
  2. Circumference of a circle, C = 10π, r =  ? 
  3. Area of a triangle, A = 24 in.2, b = 6 in., h =  ? 
  4. Temperature, F = 68 °F, C =  ? 
  5. Use a formula to solve the following problems. Write the formula before you solve the problem.

  6. You are creating a circular garden 15 feet across. You will use begonias to create a colorful design. Four begonia plants can be planted per square foot. How many begonia plants do you need to complete your garden?
  7. During a physics lab, a formula requires the temperature in degrees Celsius, but all you have is a Fahrenheit thermometer which reads 185 °F. What is that temperature in Celsius?
  8. Suzy participated in a 10 km run-walk. She walked at 5 km/h and ran at 8 km/h. If she took a total of 1.5 hours, how much time did she spend walking and running?
  9. Find a pattern to solve the following problems. Describe the pattern.

  10. A hang-glider's height data is given in the table. How high will the hang-glider be after 7 minutes?
    Time (min)01234
    Height (ft)300277254231208
  11. Water is evaporating from your small kiddie pool in your backyard. You measure the depth of the water every day after school. On which day will the pool be empty?
    Time (day)1234
    Depth (in.)
  12. Exercising is typically good for you, so Abby and Ben have challenged each other to see who can get the most steps every day. The table shows their number of steps for the first several days. If this trend continues, on which day will Abby have twice as many steps as Ben?
    Time (day)123
    Abby's Steps402040324044
    Ben's Steps401038123614
  13. Draw a diagram to solve the following problems. Draw the diagram.

  14. Frank is designing a stained-glass window. The outside frame is a square. He connects the midpoints of each side to form another square. If the length of a side of the outside frame is 10 inches, how long is a side of the inner square to the nearest tenth of an inch?
  15. Four friends are playing tug-o-war. Angela pulls to the left with 120 N of force. Bobbie pulls right with 130 N. Charlie also pulls right at 185 N, but Daniel tugs to the left with 190 N. Which team wins and by how much force do they win?
  16. State which problem-solving strategy is best for each problem. Then solve the problem.

  17. Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20.
    If you make 2 disciples for Jesus and they each make 2 more disciples, the data for several generations is given in the table. How many generations until there are over 100 disciples?
  18. Water drains out of the St. Joseph river at about 3200 ft3/s. How much water flows out of the river in 1 day?
  19. Sally is making a picture collage. Part of it will have 4 evenly spaced pictures spread over 24 inches. Their widths are 3 in., 4 in., 5 in., and 5 in. She also wants 2 inches between the edges of the collage and the group of pictures. How far apart should Sally place the pictures?
  20. Mixed Review

  21. (0-01) Solve. 2x + 1 = 17
  22. (0-01) Solve. 3(x − 1) < 12
  23. (0-01) Solve. −x − 1 > 13
  24. (0-01) Solve. 2(x + 1) = 5(x − 4)
  25. (0-01) Solve for y. 2x + 5y = 10


  1. 5 km/h
  2. 5
  3. 8 in.
  4. 20 °C
  5. 707 plants
  6. 85 °C
  7. 2/3 hr walking, 5/6 hr running
  8. 139 ft
  9. 6th day
  10. 10th day
  11. 7.1 in.
  12. Bobbie and Charlie win by 5 N
  13. 7 generations
  14. 276,480,000 ft3 of water
  15. 1 in. apart
  16. 8
  17. x < 5
  18. x < −14
  19. \(\frac{22}{3}\)
  20. \(y=-\frac{2}{5}x+2\)