Sam's second year - 3
I'm an active little boy now, according to Mom and Dad.
I climb and slide outside in the yard (and inside on the furniture too!).
I have a ride-on train that makes a real train whistle sound when I lean on the orange button.
And I have a basketful of toys--I just KNOW the one I want to show you is in here somewhere!


Sometimes Dad gives Mom and me haircuts in the kitchen.
It's fun to get haircuts together. 


And I wait pretty patiently in my high chair for supper (well, most of the time!).


I'm also learning to talk now.
Mostly I use just one or two words at a time,

but I still carry on serious conversations with our visitors (this is Aunt Benita).

My two favorite places to go are:

(Translation:  the park on Lake Whatcom near our house,
where there's a tic-tac-toe game built into the climbing equipment.
I don't know how to play tic-tac-toe,but I like to turn the letters from X to O. 
I know all my letters and numbers.)

(Translation:  Lowe's Home Center, where I like all the flowers in the garden area,
and I LOVE the ceiling fan display, with all those fans turning at once. 
When Daddy wheels me under them, I say the only appropriate thing -- "WOWEE!!!" -- 
and everyone around us smiles.)

This is "X-O";
today we went there with
Uncle Steve and Aunt Benita.
It also has swings and a real train engine--
when Mom and Dad can get me away from the X's and O's.

There's also a little park right in our neighborhood, with bars to climb, stones to dig, and swings (for big kids, or for me on Grammy's lap).


    Sometimes I'm full of energy
    (which makes taking a family portrait a bit of a challenge) . . . 

                        And sometimes I'm quiet and pensive . . . 


But Mom and Dad say they love me no matter what!