
This chart will provide you with the opportunity to get to know Manny and Ysebel Vella who have been newly married less than a year. To understand their relationship we will look at each of their family backgrounds. Ysabel's parents are George and Rosa Martinez. Manny's parents are Albert and Carmella Vella. Both Manny and Ysabel have large extended families that have the potential to influence them in positive and negative ways. As you read about these family dynamics take notice of the causes and effects that will have an influence on a chain of events that will impact their future.


Family History

Current Issues


Manny and Ysebel come from a large Hispanic-American family. Their extended family lives near one another within the inner city.



Manny is the oldest of 5 siblings; he has a 15 year old brother, a 13 year old sister, a 9 year old brother, an 8 year old brother, and a 5 year old sister. Ysebel has 3 older sisters and a younger brother.

Manny and Ysebel have a healthy potential for reproduction.

Child Development

As children neither Manny nor Ysebel had many toys.  The schools were overcrowded and poorly funded.

Manny's personality is task orientated with aggressive and defensive tendencies.  Ysebel's is passive aggressive and tends to be a nurturer. 





Non-Mobil, multigenerational family living in same community.



Both the Vella and Martinez families live well below the poverty level. Albert Vella has his GED and drives truck but is away for days at a time.  Carmella works at paper mill. George Martinez works at a chemical plant and Rosa works at a telemarketing insurance sales company. All make at or barely above minimum wage.

This newlywed couple already have a very difficult time financially and they struggle to barely make a living.  Manny works the day shift stocking supplies in an electronic equipment warehouse and cleans floors in the evenings in grocery stores Ysebel cleans houses when work is available.


Manny's older brothers and sisters are not interested in finishing their education.  Manny's 15 year old brother is recently involved in gang secretly from his parents.  None of Manny or Ysabel unmarried siblings are sexually active with girlfriends or boyfriends. Both families have had relatively high successful with the moral education of their children at home.

Both Manny and Ysebel are high school drop-outs with no marriage preparation. Both married as teenagers.  Both have limited understanding of child development, and limited sex education.


Maintains bi-lingual family.

From bi-lingual families.


Grandparents and Great grandparents who play a large role in child rearing are respected, but parents are often disrespected.



Family trends and patterns are reproduced over time.

Ysabel came from physically abusive family relationship, related to a father with an alcohol problem.  Manny had been raised in emotionally and verbally abusive home.

Home Economics

Both families live in low income apartments.  Each have a diet that is primarily high fat and sugary foods.   Wife’s have little voice regarding the raising of their children. Each have mother-in-law's that have highest authority in the homes.

Ysebel and Manny live with his parents.  But they pay for their own living expenses as they are saving money to move out on their own. Ysebel’s new mother-in-law is very controlling, highly intrusive, and very jealous of her daughter-in-law.


Abusive behavior is accepted in moderation.  Welfare is discouraged.

Marriage is highly regarded, divorce is frowned upon.   


Generally, each family has a healthy interpersonal relationship and communicates openly.

Manny and Ysebel rarely sees one another and never communicate effectively when they are together.  In addition, Manny always sides in opinion with his mother over his wife.

Public Health

Each family ignore a large variety of inconvenient and painful health issues because they are uninsured and can pay for only the most necessary medical attention.

No apparent need for public health at this time.


Both families feel that their religious faith is important to them and both make the time to be active religiously.

Both Manny and Ysebel feel that Christianity is important for their marriage, but devotional life is nonexistent although church attendance is consistent.


Both sets of parents seem to be in a perpetual state of hostility towards one another.  Both couples often feel unloved and unappreciated.

Manny and Ysebel are in the honeymoon stage where everything is bliss.  Their love for one another covers a multitude of faults and struggles.