
1. http://macromedia.com
I like the layout design and light color scheme. It is clear and readable and pleasing to the eyes. Sections are clearly divided.

2. http://smartwebby.com
I like this website, especially the portofio page. It provides tips and ideas of makeing successful website.

3. http://www.cwd.dk
I like the graphic on the top part of the home page of this site and I also like the free tutorial.

4. http://www.shanghaimuseum.net/en/index.asp
The website is artistically impressive. The directional links are clear and easy to follow and tour around. Visitors are able to gain a lot of information.

5. http://www.usdoj.gov/ins/ins.html
I like the design and layout of this website. I would prefer the gold letters of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services slightly big. The Blue bar section and hot topics make reaseach easy for people to find information, print our application forms, or file on line, check their status. I use it many times.

6. http://www.webmonkey.com
It's a good website and provides webdeveloper's resources and keeps visitors informed of the latest development and future trend of the site design and development. I really like this site for its usefulness and information: The how-to library, quick reference on the home page and HTML cheat sheet, color code, stylesheet..., though I don't like the color scheme.

7. http://www.chinasite.com
A good site to get information about China and much more. It has a feature that you know you have entered a right place for the right information. I like the header graphic which attracts people. I also like the layout and clear information.

8. http://test.china.org.cn/english
This is a nice site too. It has a clear and nice layout and well designed.

9. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn
It gives a busy impression. It needs a little more sharp contrast in color.

10. http://www.homedepot.com
It has a nice layout and is well designed. And it is easy to locate information. This year because of a special circumstance that we have to replace our roof. We get to know Homedepot and use their website to find nearest store and phone number to get in touch with them and order building materials.

11. http://www.andrews.edu/~xu
This is my personal website and is my second trial. I like it layout but not satisfied with it. That's why I am here in this class to learn more skills and technologies.

12. http://www.andrews.edu/library
I am proud of this site. I use it almost daily. It is dfferent from other library sites, but it is nicely designed and easy to find information.

13. http://www.andrews.edu/~gwei
This is a website created by a designer who likes cartoon. He is creative.

14. http://www.csulb.edu/~txie/ccol/content.htm
A nice and useful site for people to learn Chinese. It is not complecated, textbased with sound. One can learn Chinese through this website by clicking the blue link of the section and hear the sound and repeat after it.

15. http://www.pmchurch.org
It's nice to know your own church. It is a well developed site and informative. I like the layout and design.

16. http://www.google.com
One of the most popular and most used web search engine to find variety of information. The layout looks simple, but major directionary links are there to guide people in their search.