Class of  '88

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Chahin.jpg (469302 bytes)Victor Chahin & Family

Victor, Melissa, Vanessa, Victor Jr.




Skip1.jpg (65993 bytes)James (Skip) Christopher, III





Aristed1.jpg (290936 bytes)Aristede Dukes




Ellswort.jpg (491642 bytes)Jonathan Ellsworth & Wife

Jonathan and Jennifer


AmyLog.JPG (267285 bytes) Amy (Logan) Liptak

Vince, Amy, Mandy


portrat3.jpg (29599 bytes)Esther (Tabakovic) Lonto & Family

Randy, Esther, Matthew & Anna




Sam1.jpg (19245 bytes)Samson Lopez






Jiminez.jpg (381693 bytes)Jolanda (Jiminez) Martin & Family

Husband, Jolanda, Son, Daughter, Son




Mikem.jpg (8138 bytes)Mike Monson

Married, two children



Parkers.jpg (492571 bytes)Tammy (Gray) Parker & Family

Jamie, Tammy, Cory, Brichelle



Dsc00132.jpg (31745 bytes)Ryan Pierce

Married, three children




Albert1.jpg (332128 bytes)Albert Santana

Married, one child & one on the way



Santiago.jpg (628467 bytes)Alex Santiago & Family

Alex, Marisol, Michael, Andy


davshub1.JPG (33361 bytes)David Shuberg




romana.JPG (134918 bytes)Romana (Llamas) Tomlinson

Romana and Paul


Vega.jpg (516046 bytes)Abner Vega & Family

Abner, Zoed, Kiana




Misty1.jpg (107490 bytes)Misty Wier


Dallis (7), Boston (4)

mistkids.JPG (963799 bytes)