The Freshman Experience

I went around asking freshman students what they really thought of the Math and Science Center. Here are the some of the questions I asked and what they answered.
Q:What do you think of the Math and Science Center so far? Q: Who is your favorite teacher and why? Q: What's your favorite class and why? Q: What's your favorite thing about the Math and Science Center and why?

Some of the things we do on a regular basis...

The long walk...

to Biology...

gives us a great workout!
And it even makes us a little...koo-koo!!!!!

The funny thing is, we've only been together for a month and we're already a great big family. We act like we've been going to school together since kindergarten. The Math and Science Center is really a great experience. Truly, the Center isn't all about advanced math and sciences, but about making new friends and just sharing that wonderful experience with others.