Algebra 2 by Richard Wright

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3-03 Solve Quadratic Equations by Graphing and Finding Square Roots (3.1)

Mr. Wright teaches the lesson.


SDA NAD Content Standards (2018): AII.4.1, AII.4.2, AII.5.1, AII.6.3

Nintendo NES
Figure 1: Video game system. (Pixabay/WikimediaImages)

One method of finding the optimum price for items such as video games based on previous sales involves solving a quadratic equation. There are many ways to solve quadratic equations. The last lesson looked at factoring. This lesson looks at graphing and using square roots.

Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing

Graphing can be used to solve any equation as long as the solutions are real numbers. It involves making the equation equal to zero and then finding the x-intercepts. If the equation equals zero, then 0 takes the place of y. On a graph the y = 0 on the x-axis. Thus, the solutions are the x-values of the x-intercepts.

Solve a Quadratic Equation by Graphing

To solve quadratic equations by graphing,

  1. Make the equation equal zero.
  2. Graph the equation.
  3. Find the x-values of the x-intercepts.

Example 1: Solve by Graphing

Solve 0 = 2x2 + 4x − 6 by graphing.


The equation already equals zero.

Graph the function. Since this is general form, the x-value of the vertex is \(x=-\frac{b}{2a}\).

$$ x=\frac{-4}{2\left(2\right)}=-1 $$

Make a table of values.

x −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2
y 10 0 −6 −8 −6 0 10

Plot the points and graph the function.

y = 2x^2 + 4x − 6
Figure 2: y = 2x2 + 4x − 6

The solutions to the equations are the x-values of the x-intercepts.

x = −3 or 1

Example 2: Solve by Graphing

Solve 2 = −x2 − 5x − 2 by graphing.


Make the equation equal zero.

2 = −x2 − 5x − 2

0 = −x2 − 5x − 4

Graph the function. Since this is general form, the x-value of the vertex is \(x=-\frac{b}{2a}\).

$$ x=\frac{5}{2\left(-1\right)}=-\frac{5}{2} $$

Make a table of values.

x −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −5/2 −2 −1 0 1 2
y −18 −10 −4 0 2 2.25 2 0 −4 −10 −18

Plot the points and graph the function.

y = −x^2 − 5x − 4
Figure 3: y = −x2 − 5x − 4

The solutions to the equations are the x-values of the x-intercepts.

x = 4 or −1

Solving Quadratic Equations by Finding Square Roots

Sometimes the quadratic equation only has x appear once so that it is x squared. These types of equations can be solved by finding square roots.

Solve a Quadratic Equation by Finding Square Roots

To solve a quadratic by finding square roots,

  1. Verify that x only appears once and is squared or can be simplified into that form.
  2. The form should be similar to 2x2 + 4 = 7 or 2(x + 1)2 − 1 = 0
  3. Solve for the squared expression.
  4. Take a square root. Remember to put ±.
  5. Finish solving for x.
  6. Check your solutions.

Example 3: Solve by Square Roots

Solve 3x2 − 5 = 7.


The only time x appears in the equation is as x2, so solve by finding square roots.

Solve for the squared expression, in this case x2.

3x2 − 5 = 7

3x2 = 12

x2 = 4

Take a square root. Remember to put ±.

$$ \sqrt{x^2}=\pm\sqrt4 $$

$$ x=\pm\sqrt4 $$

x = ±2

Example 4: Solve by Square Roots

Solve (x − 1)2 + 4 = 16.


The only time x appears in the equation is (x − 1)2, so solve by finding square roots.

Solve for the squared expression, in this case (x − 1)2.

(x − 1)2 + 4 = 16

(x − 1)2 = 12

Take a square root. Remember to put ±.

$$ \sqrt{\left(x-1\right)^2}=\pm\sqrt{12} $$

x − 1 = ±4·3

$$ x-1=\pm2\sqrt{3} $$

Finish solving for x.

$$ x = 1 ± 2 \sqrt{3} $$

Example 5: Solve by Square Roots

Solve 2(x + 2)2 − 1 = −19.


The only time x appears in the equation is (x + 2)2, so solve by finding square roots.

Solve for the squared expression, in this case (x + 2)2.

2(x + 2)2 − 1 = −19

2(x + 2)2 = −18

(x + 2)2 = −9

Take a square root. Remember to put ±.

$$ \sqrt{\left(x+2\right)^2}=\pm\sqrt{-9} $$

x + 2 = ±3i

Finish solving for x.

x = −2 ± 3i

Problem Solving

Example 6: Maximize Revenue

A video game store charges $30 per game and sells 40 games each day. They try dropping the price by $1 and sell 2 more games a day. How much should the video game store charge to maximize their daily revenue? What is their maximum daily revenue?


Revenue is price × number sold.

R = p × s

In this case the price is (30 − x) where x is the number of times $1 is deducted from the price. The number sold is (40 + 2x). Write the formula for revenue.

R = (30 − x)(40 + 2x)

Use the distributive property to put this in general form.

R = 30·40 + 30·2xx·40 − x·2x

R = 120 + 60x − 40x − 2x2

R = −2x2 + 20x + 120

The maximum is at the vertex. In general form, the x-value of the vertex is \(x=-\frac{b}{2a}\).

$$ x=-\frac{20}{2\left(-2\right)}=5 $$

Remember x is the number of times to lower the price by $1. So, the store should lower the price by 5×$1 = $5. They should charge (30 – x) = (30 – 5) = $25.

The maximum revenue is the y-value of the vertex. Substitute x = 5 into the revenue function.

R = –2(5)2 + 20(5) + 120 = $170

The store should charge $25 per game to make a revenue of $170 per day.

Practice Problems

95 #1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 33, 35, 49, 50, Mixed Review = 20

    Mixed Review

  1. (3-02) Solve by factoring: x2 – 15x + 56 = 0.
  2. (3-02) Solve by factoring: 2x2 – 7x = 15.
  3. (3-01) Simplify (2 – i)(3 + 2i).
  4. (2-05) Find the degree of the polynomial model passing through
    x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    y 0 0.25 2 6.75 16 31.25 54
  5. (1-06) Find the determinant of \(\left[\begin{matrix}2&0&1\\-2&-1&1\\1&3&1\\\end{matrix}\right]\).


  1. 7, 8
  2. −3/2, 5
  3. 8 + i
  4. 3
  5. −13