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Physics Worksheets

As .pdf files

HSPhysics 01 Motion Notes.pdf2.54Mb
HSPhysics 01-01 Introduction, Units, and Uncertainty.pdf358.75kb
HSPhysics 01-02 Relative Motion, Distance, and Displacement.pdf248.20kb
HSPhysics 01-03 Speed, Velocity, and Graphs.pdf399.15kb
HSPhysics 01-04 Velocity vs Time Graphs.pdf374.91kb
HSPhysics 01-05 Acceleration.pdf300.13kb
HSPhysics 01-06 Representing Acceleration with Equations Part 1.pdf232.61kb
HSPhysics 01-07 Representing Acceleration with Equations Part 2.pdf219.75kb
HSPhysics 01-08 Vector Addition.pdf406.10kb
HSPhysics 01-09 Projectile Motion.pdf313.15kb
HSPhysics 01-Review.pdf260.13kb
HSPhysics 02 Forces Notes.pdf1.63Mb
HSPhysics 02-01 Newtons Laws of Motion.pdf277.66kb
HSPhysics 02-02 Weight and Normal Force.pdf301.55kb
HSPhysics 02-03 Friction.pdf394.84kb
HSPhysics 02-04 Tension, Hookes Law, and Equilibrium.pdf355.72kb
HSPhysics 02-05 Nonequilibrium and Fundamental Forces.pdf334.99kb
HSPhysics 02-Review.pdf217.93kb
HSPhysics 03 Uniform Circular Motion & Torque Notes.pdf1.88Mb
HSPhysics 03-01 Rotation Angle and Centripetal Acceleration.pdf279.28kb
HSPhysics 03-02 Centripetal Force.pdf273.99kb
HSPhysics 03-03 Kinematics of Rotational Motion.pdf290.24kb
HSPhysics 03-04 Torque.pdf494.92kb
HSPhysics 03-05 Moment of Inertia.pdf503.51kb
HSPhysics 03-Review.pdf226.29kb
HSPhysics 04 Momentum Notes.pdf1.30Mb
HSPhysics 04-01 Impulse and Momentum.pdf238.11kb
HSPhysics 04-02 Conservation of Momentum.pdf227.23kb
HSPhysics 04-03 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions.pdf255.97kb
HSPhysics 04-04 Angular Momentum.pdf473.48kb
HSPhysics 04-Review.pdf221.57kb
HSPhysics 05 Keplers Laws and Gravity Notes.pdf0.96Mb
HSPhysics 05-01 Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion.pdf295.96kb
HSPhysics 05-02 Weight and Gravity.pdf227.71kb
HSPhysics 05-03 Satellites.pdf260.89kb
HSPhysics 05-Review.pdf210.65kb
HSPhysics 06 Energy Notes.pdf1.93Mb
HSPhysics 06-01 Work and Power.pdf305.43kb
HSPhysics 06-02 Types of Energy.pdf269.96kb
HSPhysics 06-03 Mechanical Energy Conservativation.pdf269.40kb
HSPhysics 06-04 Work and Conservation of Energy.pdf243.39kb
HSPhysics 06-05 Simple Machines.pdf417.09kb
HSPhysics 06-06 Energy in Humans and the World.pdf436.89kb
HSPhysics 06-Review.pdf236.44kb
HSPhysics 07 Static Electricity Notes.pdf1.89Mb
HSPhysics 07-01 Electric Charge.pdf332.45kb
HSPhysics 07-02 Coulombs Law.pdf291.31kb
HSPhysics 07-03 Electric Field.pdf459.29kb
HSPhysics 07-04 Electric Potential.pdf298.47kb
HSPhysics 07-05 Potential and E-Field.pdf481.87kb
HSPhysics 07-Review.pdf306.99kb
HSPhysics 08 Circuits Notes.pdf2.07Mb
HSPhysics 08-01 Ohms Law.pdf380.68kb
HSPhysics 08-02 Series Circuits.pdf318.62kb
HSPhysics 08-03 Parallel Circuits.pdf341.04kb
HSPhysics 08-04 Circuits in Parallel and Series.pdf294.42kb
HSPhysics 08-05 Voltmeters and Ammeters.pdf367.34kb
HSPhysics 08-06 Electric Power and AC-DC Currents.pdf331.61kb
HSPhysics 08-07 Electricity and the Human Body.pdf306.22kb
HSPhysics 08-Review.pdf232.18kb
HSPhysics 09 Magnetism Notes.pdf2.93Mb
HSPhysics 09-01 Magnets and B-Fields.pdf248.53kb
HSPhysics 09-02 Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge.pdf434.13kb
HSPhysics 09-03 Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wire.pdf475.91kb
HSPhysics 09-04 Magnetic Fields Produced by Currents.pdf484.34kb
HSPhysics 09-05 Faradays Law of Induction and Lenzs Law.pdf459.14kb
HSPhysics 09-06 Motional emf and Magnetic Damping.pdf326.88kb
HSPhysics 09-07 Electric Generators and Back emf.pdf274.35kb
HSPhysics 09-08 Transformers and Electrical Safety.pdf399.77kb
HSPhysics 09-Review.pdf286.80kb
HSPhysics 10 Waves and Sound Notes.pdf2.18Mb
HSPhysics 10-01 Waves.pdf357.87kb
HSPhysics 10-02 Superposition and Interference.pdf469.87kb
HSPhysics 10-03 Sound.pdf363.62kb
HSPhysics 10-04 Intensity.pdf334.16kb
HSPhysics 10-05 Doppler Effect.pdf313.32kb
HSPhysics 10-06 Resonance.pdf411.08kb
HSPhysics 10-Review.pdf287.97kb
HSPhysics 11 Electromagnetic Rays Notes.pdf1.88Mb
HSPhysics 11-01 Electromagnetic Spectrum and Behavior.pdf559.58kb
HSPhysics 11-02 Reflection.pdf485.33kb
HSPhysics 11-03 Refraction.pdf435.00kb
HSPhysics 11-04 Lenses.pdf461.09kb
HSPhysics 11-Review.pdf226.32kb
HSPhysics 12 Dual Nature of Light Notes.pdf2.06Mb
HSPhysics 12-01 Double Slit Experiment.pdf412.21kb
HSPhysics 12-02 Multiple Slit Diffraction.pdf408.71kb
HSPhysics 12-03 Single Slit Diffraction.pdf342.16kb
HSPhysics 12-04 Quantum Nature of Light.pdf416.28kb
HSPhysics 12-05 Photoelectric Effect.pdf279.52kb
HSPhysics 12-06 The Dual Nature of Light.pdf371.72kb
HSPhysics 12-Review.pdf244.56kb
HSPhysics 13 Fission, Fusion, and Radioactivity Notes.pdf1.57Mb
HSPhysics 13-01 Radioactivity.pdf423.79kb
HSPhysics 13-02 Radiometric Dating.pdf324.02kb
HSPhysics 13-03 Nuclear Fission.pdf458.39kb
HSPhysics 13-04 Nuclear Fusion.pdf387.40kb
HSPhysics 13-Review.pdf204.51kb

Notes used for OpenStax College Physics 1st Edition available here.

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