

Family Members


Family Topics


Family Help


Single Adults

The Alternatives to Marriage Project
The Alternatives to Marriage Project is a national, nonprofit organization for unmarried people, including people who choose not to marry, cannot marry, or are among those who live together before marriage.

Women·s Studies Resources
This site provides a wealth of resources related to women and their concerns. You can find links to such topics as body image, comfort (or discomfort) with sexuality, personal relationships, pornography, and more.

Concerned Women for America
The mission of Concerned Women for America is to protect and promote Biblical values among all citizens·first through prayer, then education, and finally by influencing society· thereby reversing the decline in moral values in the United States.

General Sources

American Psychological Association
Explore the APA·s ·Resources for the Public· site to find links to an abundance of articles and other resources related to interpersonal relationships throughout the life span.

Encyclopedia Britannica
This huge ·Britannica Internet Guide· leads to a cornucopia of informational sites and reference sources on such topics as family structure and other social issues.

Penn Library: Sociology
This site provides a number of indexes of culture and ethnic studies, population and demographics, and statistical sources that are of value in studies of marriage and the family.

Social Science Information Gateway
This is an online catalog of Internet resources relevant to social science education and research. Sites are selected and described by a librarian or subject specialist.