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Student Teaching
  1. Served on the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Social Studies Curriculum Committee which was charged with the task of writing the curriculum framework and evaluating social studies materials for the secondary classroom.
  2. Served on the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Social Studies Textbook Selection Committee which evaluated textbooks and teacher helps for United States History, World History, Government, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, and Geography.
  3. Took the course "Reading in the Content Area" which has provided an excellent background in using and adapting materials for the classroom.
  4. Adapted lesson plans in the Social Studies area to meet the needs of the students at Andrews Academy and Broadview Academy.
  5. Developed a current events activity entitled "Sheppardy" which is used as both an incentive system as well as a tool to evaluate student knowledge in different subject areas.
  6. Taught a course at Columbia Union College on Pedagogy and the ESL student.
  7. Regularly teach a course entitled "Principles of Teaching" at Andrews University which focuses on the basic techniques of instruction, planning, and classroom management.  An emphasis is given to the application of an instructional framework which meets the needs of all learners.

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This site was last updated 01/29/05
