That was Then, This is Now

Project for English 1, Mrs. Cindy Hess
Maddie Higgins, 4th Period

The Rise and Fall of Cathy and Bryon's Relationship

Bryon likes Cathy a lot. He digs her “groovy” hair and her open personality. He confides in her more and more until he admits he really loves her, even though he thinks it’s corny. Ponyboy, even though you don’t hear or see him much, has a great deal to do with their relationship. Mark, however, is what their whole relationship is all about.
Their relationship, to me, was a test for Bryon. It was a test to see what the real world is like. How long would he last? Could he love both Mark and Cathy? I really am not surprised he chose all or nothing (meaning he lost both when he could have only lost one or neither). Bryon really did not pass the revenge part of the test. Bryon only saves people that are not close to him. These people, ironically, would resort to violence if he didn’t stop. To the people that are close to him, he remains ignorant. Mark doesn’t, and never will, belong to the real world. Mark would never pass the test that Bryon was about to take. Bryon lost everything in the wake-up call, all feeling, hope, or desire. He passed the test, but it was a close pass or fail.
Ponyboy really triggers the test, with Mark getting hurt. He also makes Bryon jealous. Ponyboy makes Bryon want Cathy more because Ponyboy asked Cathy out on a Friday night. He also liked her more because she basically told Bryon she was busy with him and couldn’t go with Ponyboy. Ponyboy has a lot to do with the climax and the end of the relationship. You can tell when Bryon has changed, he doesn’t care that Ponyboy is going out with Cathy.
Mark has to do with the whole entire story. He pushes Bryon toward Cathy because of his reaction to Charlie’s death. Mark just wanted to move on. He also doesn’t understand how Bryon feels and will not see his side. Mark essentially tells Bryon to be a man and to get over it. If he would have talked to Bryon that he minded Bryon’s hanging out with Cathy, the end of the story would be entirely different. Bryon might have stopped going out with Cathy for Mark. When Mark just glared, Bryon just thought that he was jealous, which he was. Mark was mad, and he wanted to be Bryon’s sole confident again. Mark also hated her annoying habit of turning people inside out and looking at them. Mark made Bryon and Cathy break up because Mark went to jail (Bryon’s revenge for Cathy to Mark). Cathy and Mark were really fighting over Bryon. Bryon did not realize it, but he also had revenge for Mark to Cathy (breaking up). He really just did it for peace, but it just made Bryon worse inside. I think Bryon also felt bad that he wasn’t there for Mark when Mark really needed him.
Cathy really had no control over the relationship, and neither did Bryon. Bryon really let other people and events dictate the rise and fall of their relationship. For example, I think that the climax of Cathy and Bryon’s relationship was after they went from the hospital to the park. This was after they dropped M&M off at the hospital. That was really the last time Bryon really felt anything for Cathy or Mark. After that, it was all shock, then no feeling was left. He must have spent it all. He loved Cathy, maybe, too hard or too much. Something was bound to happen, and it did. Bryon got his revenge, and now Bryon’s life is nothing.


Journal Option #2
Street drugs are worse than alcohol in one way: they are illegal. I know that you are allowed to drink when you are 21, but street drugs are not allowed at any age. Maybe the street drugs work faster at damaging your systems. Maybe it is easier to get caught when you drink than do drugs. There could be other things that are worse, but I do not know about them. Other than that, they pose the same risks. Many people abuse both substances in many ways. Both have major side effects that could, and will, no matter what you think, cost you your life. I think the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Then there would be less abuse of the law, because most people have drunk before they were 21. I don’t think this is giving in; I just think that most teens who do drink just do it because it’s illegal. We also have to remember that the law is doing this to protect us, so I think the amount should be limited. We could seriously stunt our growth and have our organs, before they mature and are able to stand alcohol, be damaged and not work right for the rest of our lives. Another problem this might pose is that even younger teens might abuse this law, because it is closer to their age. I think that there is no such thing as drinking responsibly, for a teen. Abstinence is the key. We usually cave in to peer pressure a lot faster than most adults. We also don’t know our limits yet, so we drink and do drugs with friends until we kill ourselves. With adults, they are supposed to drink responsibly. They are legally allowed to drink. They, as well as teens, can get major side effects from drinking. How can you drink responsibly if you are not allowed to drink at all??
Journal Option #4
I think there are a variety of different qualities that parents need to keep their kids under control. I also think that the qualities differ from kid to kid, family to family. All parents, however, need patience, listening skills, love, self-control, problem solving skills, gentleness, discipline and lots of self-denial. Some of the tougher kids need a stronger kind of discipline. These parents also need to have lots of support and have to supervise a lot. I think parents also need to give off the air that you can trust them with anything, and they will not tell a soul. I think parents should know the vast majority of your life. You should, however, keep dark and delicious secrets to yourself and a luxury and privacy, knowing that you alone know exactly how you feel. Some damaging secrets need to be told, but others keep in the depths of your heart. Parents should be involved, but not so much that they are looking through your pockets, drawers, and under your mattress every day. They should be able to establish a trust that you will tell them important things, but otherwise, live and let live. They should have some simple rules, like curfews, grades, etc., but I think that, as I mentioned in the paragraph above, you should be able to establish a trust, to ensure some freedoms and restrictions. Some moral stuff that they want you to follow is personal belief, and they should help take care of you if you cross the line and get someone else hurt. You have your own set of beliefs, values, and morals, but use extreme caution when your parents disagree. They are only trying to protect your for you own good so you can grow up to be a healthy, independent individual.
Journal Option #5
I think there are some things that I like about myself, but others I detest. I think that some things are mine to make an advantage or disadvantage is different situations. There are a lot of things that I regret, little things that I dwell on too much. I haven’t done too many things that are big that I regret. I surprise myself with my actions a lot, and I get mad and frustrated at myself. I have a good memory, and some things are hard to forget and let go. I think that some of my behavior at school is affected by what the crowd is doing. This frustrates me, because I want to fit in. I also still want to be unique, stand out and be real, but not in an embarrassing, dorky way. The crowd also just acts all the same and they’re being stupid most of the time. They are making fools of themselves together sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, some crowds are really nice and good, but who wants to dress with the same labels and like the same things? I guess I’m a little bitter, but still I think I am willing to do something for me when everybody else is saying no. When it is an all or nothing deal, I’ll do what’s best for me. It also depends on who is advising me against it. I think it is best to follow the crowd when they are doing something good or you could take leadership when one has a chance to change them for the good. You can always follow the crowd if you are a coward and are scared to be yourself. You should leave the crowd when they are looking stupid, or the crowd is pressuring you to do something you don’t want to do (bad or not). You should be your own person at all times, no matter how you are ridiculed.
Journal Option #6
I think the title means that times have changed. You just have to make the most of it, and go on. You also have to live with what you did and said, and you can never go back and change them. The other person will always remember, and bring it back up, and you will pay. The title really suggests what will happen in the book. As readers, you have a shrewd idea what will happen to the characters. I think that some things will change. Maybe the setting will change and somebody will move. I really think that people will change and get fed up. They will think “I’m better than this” and move on. They will see the change around them and say what happened? They will try to help people be better, but these people are resentful and sullen about what happened, and they have to leave them. I read The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton last year. All of her stories are pretty much about the same kind of guys. These guys are hoods, but are really nice guys that are good at English and read poetry. They are really soft and have some bad friends and good friends. Their bad friends get into trouble and it gets them into trouble too. They do okay, but their friends get the bad end. They always learn a lesson and do better at life. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy and his friend kill a guy. Their other bad friend helps them out and both their friends die. Ponyboy now knows better and will live a better life because of them dying for some of his mistakes (some mistakes were made together). He gets his grades together and is more careful. I think that a main character will be become a better person, but people will suffer in this book, just like The Outsiders.
Chapters 1 and 2
Journal Option #2
I think M&M’s approach to life is a lot different than Bryon’s view and Mark’s view. From what S.E. Hinton put on the surface, M&M is open-minded and honest, smart and innocent to the extreme. I infer that M&M has beliefs that are rock-solid and that nobody can change them. He thinks little about consequences and has an undeveloped thought process. Bryon thinks that he could beat up the world if he wanted to. He also thinks little about consequences from his actions. He is not mature at all. Mark is not mature at all, but you could not call him immature, either. Mark just does things and there is no remorse, consequences, or thinking involved. He does not think, therefore he is not feel things like other people. Bryon and M&M are alike in more ways than Bryon and Mark. Bryon and M&M both like to read and are deep. Mark has no depth at all. Mark and Bryon are friends and they just brush the surface of their real selves. Bryon can talk to Mark about anything, but Mark does not feel the same and gives bad advice. M&M and Mark really are quite the opposite on the inside. If M&M doesn’t do something stupid, he will grow up and make good choices. He is quite capable of getting himself out of poverty with his brains. He just needs to toughen up a bit, but not too much. We really don’t know what is in Mark, so he is hard to compare with other characters. They are all similar by being immature and self-centered (not so much M&M), but there are other things that are less obvious. For example, they think about their future differently, but they all know what is in store for them. They also really care passionately about something, or don’t care at all.
Chapters 3 and 4
Journal Option #2
Cathy’s house is chock full of kids. I imagine it is kind of clean and just a little messy. I think all the furniture is shabby. Her mom is nice, but is weak and needs to stand up for herself and M&M. Her dad is mean, but he really does care. He just doesn’t know how to show his love, so he closes up and gets strict. He picks on him because he really just wants M&M to do the best he can, because he knows what he’s capable of. He also doesn’t want him to do bad things. All the kids probably are under-loved just because there are so many of them. The little ones are probably are bossed around a lot and not cared for (just getting bare essentials). A major thing is that the parents treated him a lot differently. M&M’s parents are a lot nicer and sober. Angel’s father is always drunk. Her mom and stepdad were always fighting. Her brothers got involved sometimes and Bryon had to duck the things that they threw. Bryon even got involved every once in a while, and threw things and cussed. He was waiting for Angela to come out of her room. At Cathy’s house, her parents asked how he was doing while he was waiting. They were decent to him. Another major difference that Bryon saw is that Cathy’s parents cared how their kids were doing. Angela’s parents let her drink or go do whatever. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson knew what M&M’s grades were, even if they didn’t know about the marijuana. Angela was even messing around and her parents probably didn’t know that she was out at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if her parents were stoned all the time. A third difference is the way Bryon acts around them. He cares what impression he gives to Cathy’s parents, but not to Angel’s parents.
Chapters 5 and 6
Journal Option #1
The Texans really shook Bryon up. He thinks about things before he does them, and reflects on what he does a lot more. He really misses Charlie. He feels genuinely sad for causing Charlie’s death. He needs to find time to get over it and use it for his own good. His behavior has changed. Mark’s reaction is totally different than Bryon’s reaction. Mark wants to go on with life, but Bryon has stopped. Usually Mark pulls him along into the present, but Bryon refuses to be dragged along in that manner. He needs to think then some more time to react. Secondly, he really hangs out with Cathy more than Mark. He does not confide in Mark anymore, just Cathy. He knows that Mark will not understand, and Cathy believes in him and understands. Mark looks at him funny, and he knows he’s changed, but he likes the change enough that he doesn’t do anything. Another way he has changed is that he loves Cathy. He is really not acting like a hustler anymore. Even though he thinks it’s corny, he thinks he loves Cathy a lot. Mark is now third in his heart (Cathy, Mom, and then Mark). Mark really doesn’t like it, but doesn’t say anything yet. Cathy really also likes Bryon and will listen to him and believe in him and give him compliments. I almost think she was doing that on purpose, to hurt Mark. She really doesn’t like Mark at all, and she would meddle with his life, but I really don’t think she would go that far. One more difference is thatBryon holds himself in more. He does not let go easily, but he won’t lash out irrationally.
Chapters 7 and 8
Journal Option #2
A) I really think that I have been on the right track. I should really tell Mark that as soon as I’m better, I’ll go beat them up with him. We’ll get some other guys too. I was wondering, after not being able to go to work, if he might fire me. Maybe I should go blow it off so I can say I quit instead. I’m not going to take the risk. Mark is doing something illegal to bring in that money and I really hope he won’t get caught. I have been wondering at all the things he could be doing. I really love Cathy. I have to go get her a ring soon. I think I would give up everything for her. I’m glad I have Charlie’s car. They allow me to drive her around and we have held quite a few make out sessions. I feel bad about Charlie, but I am too mad at the Shepards to care. I can’t wait to get them back. I’m going to a different pool hall now and it’s not as good and I have to be more careful. B) If truth be told, I really don’t like the way my life is going. I think that Mark is doing something illegal to get all that money that he is bringing in. I just hope to God that he doesn’t get caught. He might get me in trouble for that, too. I really should talk to him about that. My job is really keeping my mouth in check, and I really don’t like it, but I think it is going to get easier. Cathy is really nice, and I love her a lot. She listens to me and doesn’t judge me, but she likes to take people and analyze them, and with that said, Mark and Cathy don’t mix. I don’t think I will have to choose between them, but I dread saying goodbye to either of them soon. I have to learn how to balance them; otherwise Mark will do something crazy. I’ve stopped hustling at the pool table. I’m sick of it.
Chapters 9 and 10
Journal Option #1
“I have drunk, and seen the spider.”- William Shakespeare This is a quote from a book that I read (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, I forgot which) that reminded me of what M&M said. I think maybe it is a feeling that everyone has when they are drunk or high. That feeling is probably thought of as something you can see, to interpret the feeling that something is in our stomach. It’s probably feeling like something is crawling in your stomach, eating it slowly (reaction of acid and alcohol). He was just really out of it. It was like a bad dream that you can’t get out of. You’re caught, and you can’t think right. I had a dream once that I couldn’t get out of. I finally woke up and got my mom. I asked her how I could get out of it, and she said to think of something else. I was astounded that it was that simple. When you’re out of it, you just have to let it fade away. I think the ten years mean that he feels that he’s been in this high forever and it won’t stop. When it continues, the time flow goes slower and slower, and he panics. That makes it go even slower. I think the colors he saw meant that that his brain was really messed up. His brain was giving him hallucinations. The one that he did not know the name of probably was him thinking ‘what are you doing to me?’ He didn’t recognize it at the time. The screaming colors were more hallucinations. I think that the carrots were the acid that he took. The color was telling him that his body couldn’t take it.
Chapter 11
Journal Option #2
I think that the ending was as good as it could have possibly been. It might have ended with Mark changing, but S.E. Hinton usually writes sad stuff. Mark is also just not that type of person. Another good ending would have been Mark and Cathy dying together in a car crash that Bryon walks away from. It would have been Bryon’s fault. Basically the same end line with never seeing Mark again, but they would die loving, not hating. It would be a lot nicer for everyone. I, personally, was not satisfied with the ending. I felt as if I was let hanging on the hook, even though her ending wasn’t that rushed. It was just rushed and abrupt enough that I wanted to know more. I also didn’t Bryon not as sulky. I wanted to know exactly what happened to him later, to see if he ever got over it, and if he ever talked to Cathy again. She also should have added how long Cathy and Ponyboy went out, and if Bryon stayed at his job at the supermarket. I want to know if he stayed at home with his mom, or furthered his education. I want to know if the surgery helped her and if she later died, or had more complications. I want to know what happened to Mike and if he died. Did he get better and go home to his mean dad to get beat up all over again? She should tell how Mark does in state prison. Does he get out? Does he just turn around and start hot-wiring cars again, or steal and is thrown back in jail? Will he ever have a family, or ever meet his dad? Will he ever change? Will he ever think about the future or past? Will he meet Bryon again? What happens if he does? I wish I had some of these answers.

Discussion Questions

Chapters 1 and 2
1. Bryon is a smart kid who hustles girls and drinks and smokes. He will do bad things to get by, but all in all he is a good guy. He is good looking and has a football-player build. He really loves Mark and his mom. I don’t think I would be his friend because of the way he treats girls. Mark is very good-looking and wiry. He likes to steal and beat up people. He doesn’t know right from wrong. I wouldn’t be friends with Mark because of his ruthlessness.
2. Bryon and Mark get along like brothers. I think they are such good friends because they are both exact opposites and exactly the same. Mark has never really had much of a family, so I think he likes them and will do things to help them out. Bryon would rather be good, has more culture and likes school. Mark doesn’t care, but Bryon cares a lot more.
3. Bryon knows Charlie because Bryon used to date his sister. Charlie treats Bryon like a little brother and a friend, but when it comes business he is all tough guy. I think that Charlie shouldn’t let Bryon and Mark into the pool hall because they are minors, but it does keep them from doing worse things.
4. M&M is 13 years old, and is a hippie. He loves to eat M&M and is innocent, sweet, and smart. His innocence can get him in into trouble. He also is up-to-date with the news and speaks his mind (honest and open).
5. Curly Shepard and his friend gang up on M&M. M&M would have gotten beat up bad, or killed if Bryon and Mark hadn’t stepped in. Mark and Bryon get involved because they like fights and M&M won’t fight, and because they like him okay.
6. M&M gets mad at Bryon and Mark because they want to jump a black man that is alone. It was Mark’s idea to jump the man.
7. Bryon will steal if he really needs to or if he is with friends. Mark stealing is his breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Mark doesn’t care to him buying something is the same as stealing it.
8. Randy is a hippie that gives Mark and Bryon a ride to the hospital. Mark is interested just because it’s different. He likes weird things, like Bryon said.
9. Cathy is M&M’s sister. Bryon bumps into her at the snack bar at the hospital. She is a lot prettier and is more assertive than Angela.
10. Mike is in the hospital because he got beat up. He doesn’t blame the other people for beating him up. I think that stuff happens all the time nowadays.
11. Bryon’s mom is a really nice, empathetic person, but she has no sense of responsibility. She lets her boys do whatever they please, and she knows what they are doing. I think her behavior toward Mike makes sense because she probably just loves to help other people, but has a blind eye to her and her family’s problems.
12. No, I’m not surprised. If he hustles girls, he likes to have the upper hand. He is constantly avoiding authority because Mark and Byron are always liking to do things they are not supposed to.
Chapters 3 and 4
1. Bryon admires Charlie because he is smart and was a tough kid. Cops and tough guys respected him. I would admire Charlie, probably for the wrong reasons. He is a high school dropout, but he still reads. He has his own business, but is it a good one? I would respect his toughness, only because I would be scared.
2. One incident that Bryon was irritated about was about Ponyboy. His girlfriend dumped him for her. He was jealous of Curtis, and Mark knew it.
3. Mark helps him get ready for his date by giving him a shirt. I think that he should accept it, because there’s nothing he can do to return it (if Mark stole it), and it looks good on him.
4. Cathy’s family is huge. She has lots of siblings and they’re poor. The dad always makes fun of M&M in front of him. The mom is too timid to really get him to stop. They have no privacy. No, I wouldn’t want to be a member of that family because there are too many kids, they have little money, and the dad fusses too much.
5. Angela flounces off when he mentions Curtis because he was the first guy she didn’t get when she tried. Bryon would say that in a sarcastic, amused voice, maybe even a little bit bitter.
6. When Angela tries to get revenge, she sends a guy to hurt Ponyby. Mark gets hit with a beer bottle, not Ponyboy. Mark steps in between them after they start fighting. I think that Bryon will try to get back at Angela.
7. I can’t relate to the fighting or the bad things, but I can relate to the reading. I loved to read, and I read to myself. My mom read to my brother and I a lot, too.
8. Since they have been in a gang, they are now individuals, not defined by the group. Mark misses the group, but Byron likes being his own person. That was also a long time ago.
9. I think that he was suspicious of the Soc because he can tell they are just sucking up to him and are really scared of him. He could see everyone’s feelings on that Monday. He has every right to be suspicious. That way of seeing things only lasted that Monday, and he was not suspecting on Tuesday.
10. Bryon thinks that Mark can get away with anything because he got caught with the principal’s car, but he got away with it by making the principal laugh. I’ve had a friend that could get away with anything. She was an only child and spoiled rotten. I think that Bryon isn’t exactly jealous; I think it’s deeper than that, but I don’t know how.
11. I’m glad that Charlie didn’t hire Bryon. He could have been hurt or harassed in a brawl, and Charlie and Bryon could have gotten in serious trouble with the cops.
12. I think he has trouble thanking people because if they do him favors, they have the upper hand, and he is succumbing to it with a thank you. He likes to be in charge, and, remember, he has trouble with authority.
13. Bryon reflects on the past, but doesn’t use it to help him in the future. He learns from mistakes, but doesn’t follow through. Mark just goes, he lives for the present, and only for the present. The larger theme that could happen is that they are changing directions, not looking behind or forward until it’s too late.
Chapters 5 and 6
1. Bryon’s mom could be more responsible. She didn’t care that Mark got hurt, or that they drink and smoke. She really needs to grow up, and help her boys out. If you want kids, you have to be responsible.
2. Bryon asks M&M for $5 because they need it to gamble for pool. I think they are taking advantage of him. I think that that shows M&M is very trusting and naïve. I think that they will give him the money back, but maybe not when they said.
3. The Texans attack them because they lost lots of money with them playing pool. I think they couldn’t see it coming, but they should have been on their guard around any bar, especially at night.
4. Charlie gets shot by the Texans. He was protecting Bryon and Mark. Bryon feels remorse and thinks that they could have prevented Charlie getting killed. Mark just shrugs and thinks he was a good guy, but its time to go on.
5. Cathy was surprised that Bryon had smoked pot. She doesn’t care about him drinking. I think she doesn’t feel the same way because everybody drinks. With marijuana, you can get more damage and want to try stronger stuff.
6. I think that Mark punched the guy in the Corvette to show that he didn’t stand for that stuff and he is worth more than that. Mark likes revenge. He should’ve just given him the finger and moved on. Cathy thought that he was stupid to go hit the guy.
7. The kids drive up and down the Ribbon because there is nothing else to do. I don’t think that he is blaming adults, he is just frustrated because there is nothing to do. I don’t think they are to blame.
8. M&M gets out of the car because he sees his friends, and he decides to run away. His sister should’ve gotten out and grabbed him, and then waited for Bryon to bring the car back around.
9. I think Mark thinks that he is really not part of the family, because he feels he needs to pitch in money-wise. He can’t let himself just not help out when he’s not really theirs to take care of. I think he’s always felt that way in the back of his mind, because he does feel partially responsible for them not having a lot of money. He thinks they spend too much on his needs.
10. Mark decides to punch the guy because he said something obscene and he is big on revenge. You just don’t mess with Mark. SEE #6 FOR MORE DETAILS!!!
Chapters 7 and 8
1. Cathy’s dad says that M&M will be home tomorrow and doesn’t care. Their mom was really upset. My parents would be really upset if I ran away (I would never run away). They are to blame because they wouldn’t stop bugging him (there is no such thing as an innocent bystander).
2. Bryon thinks that Mark is getting the money from playing poker. I don’t know where he’s getting the money, but I think he’s getting it dishonestly. I don’t know if Bryon is right.
3. Mark offers Angel a ride because he wanted to get her drunk even more. She gets drunk off of rum and coke. She’s unhappy because she’s married, she doesn’t like school, her husband and her in-laws; her brothers are in jail, her dad’s always drunk, and her husband doesn’t have a job.
4. Mark cuts off Angel’s hair with the scissors. I think that she deserved it, but he shouldn’t have done it. It really doesn’t matter, because she still looks good. Bryon was shocked. He doesn’t stop Mark because he hated her, too. I think Angela will be really mad and hide.
5. Bryon has a job at the supermarket. I think he’ll keep it because he can’t afford not to.
6. Bryon gets beat up by the Shepards and two other guys. If Mark would have been there, Bryon and Mark would’ve beaten the Shepards up. Bryon won’t let Mark go after them because he thinks revenge is stupid and he’s sick of it because it goes in circles. Bryon shows that he has changed because he is wising up and he’s learned, but also acted, from his mistakes.
7. Cathy’s fears of M&M are justified because he’s with a bunch of druggies and he will do anything they tell him to.
8. I think that is false, just look at Mark. What happened to him doesn’t affect him because he bounces, nothing touches him. When bad stuff happens when you are a kid, which does happen, it’s worse because you feel it a lot longer.
Chapters 9 and 10
1. Bryon and Cathy find M&M in a commune for hippies. They ask around, and a big, red haired guy leads them to M&M. M&M is on drugs and high and all messed up. They handle the problem well. They take him to the hospital. I think they’re too worried about M&M to tell the police on the other druggies. I don’t think that they should. It’s not their problem.
2. Bryon gets angry at his doctor because his doctor said, “Is that all you hoods do, fight?” Yes, I have, and I hate them for it. The expression that comes to mind is don’t shoot the messenger.
3. Bryon finds out Mark is selling drugs because the cigarette carton under the mattress is filled with drugs, not cigarettes. I think he suspected because he was bringing home so much money.
4. Bryon turns Mark in because he thinks of M&M in the hospital. I don’t think it would make a difference if he hadn’t sold the drugs that M&M took. I think it was the right thing to do, even though it was tough. If M&M hadn’t been having problems, he wouldn’t turn him, just make him stop.
Chapter 11
1. Mark receives five years in the state reformatory. He acts like he doesn’t care, and he gives off the air that he has no regrets.
2. M&M isn’t innocent anymore, he doesn’t trust anymore. He looked like a really little kid. He was thin and his hair was shorter. He’s not as smart and all confused.
3. Bryon stops seeing Cathy because he doesn’t like her anymore. He blames her a little bit, I think. I think she expected to be closer to him, but he just pushed her away. She was upset, but she got over it.
4. It takes Bryon a long time to see Mark because he hurt so much, he couldn’t feel anything. You can tell because he says he didn’t know what he was doing, and he wanted him to clean up his act and help him when he gets out. Mark will never forgive him. I think he should, because it was for his own good. The only problem is, we’re talking about Mark. It won’t help him.
5. I think Bryon learned to keep your nose clean and not to get too involved. He also learned that people don’t like or handle change very well. I think he learned some wrong lessons too. He’s not going to take as many risks and not love as hard and he will reflect too much. You really have to be in his situation to gain anything from it. I just hope he goes the right way, and tries to be brave.

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