Sailing in the Southwest United States

Lake Powell, UT and AZ

Lake Powell is located on the Colorado River between Utah and Arizona. It is a difficult place to sail even for the best skippers because the channels are narrow. However, the scenic canyon makes up for the challenge.

Elephant Butte Lake, NM

Elephant Butte Lake can accommodate a wide variety of boats and is open to sailing all year round. It is home to the Rio Grande Yacht Club. The Yacht Club hosts regattas in the fall, winter, and spring. There are also social events and cruises. View their website here: Rio Grande Yacht Club.

Lake Texoma, TX and OK

Lake Texoma has some of the best quality of wind and places to go in Texas. It is home to the Texoma Sailing Club and the Lake Texoma Yacht Club. It is the host to many regattas and learning programs.