I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX

III. Ministry in Judea (First Passover, A.D. 28 - Second Passover, A.D. 29)

No. Incident Matthew Mark Luke John
24 First Passover: First Cleansing of the Temple 2:13 - 25
25 Discussion With Nicodemus 3:1 - 21
26 Ministry in Judea 3:22 - 36
27 The Samaritan Woman 4:1 - 42
28 The Nobleman's Son 4:43 - 54
29 John Imprisoned 14:3 - 5 3:19,20
30 Second Passover: The Invalid at Bethesda 5:1 - 15
31 Rejection by the Sanhedrin: Close of the Judean Ministry 5:16 - 47