I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX

VII. Passion Week (Fourth Passover, A.D. 31)

No. Incident Matthew Mark Luke John
130 Fourth Passover: The Triumphal Entry 21:1 -11 11;1 - 11 19:29 - 44 12:12 - 19
131 The Fruitless Fig Tree 21:18 - 22 11:12 - 14, 20 - 26
132 Second Cleansing of the Temple 21:12 - 17 11:15 - 19 19:45 - 48
133 The Leaders Challenge Jesus' Authority 21:23 - 27 11:27 - 33 20:1 - 8
134 The Two Sons 21:28 - 32
135 The Wicked Husbandmen 21:33 - 46 12:1 - 12 20:9 - 19
136 The Man Withought A Wedding Garment 22:1 - 14
137 Paying tribute to Caesar 22:15 - 22 12:13 - 17 20:20 - 26
138 Marriage and the Resurrection 22:23 - 33 12:18 - 27 20:27 - 38
139 The Great Commandment 22:34 - 40 12:28 - 34 20:39,40
140 Jesus Silences His Critics 22:41 - 46 12:35 - 37 20:41 - 44
141 Woes Upon Scribe and Pharisee 23:1 - 39 12:38 - 40 20:45 - 47
142 The Widow's Mites 12:41 - 44 21:1 - 4
143 Interview With Certain Greeks 12:20 - 36
144 Final Rejection by the Jewish leaders 12:36 - 50
145 Retirement to the Mount of Olives; Signs of Christ's Return 24:1 - 51 13:1 - 37 21:5 - 38
146 The Ten Virgins 25:1 - 13
147 The Talents 25:14 - 30
148 The Sheep and the Goats 25:31 - 46
149 Preparation for the Passover 26:17 - 19 14:12 - 16 22:7 - 13
150 Celebration of the Passover 26:20 14:17,18 22:14 - 16
151 Washing the Disciples' Feet 22:24 - 30 13:1 - 20
152 The Lord's Supper 26:26 - 29 14:22 - 25 22:17 - 20
153 The Betrayer Revealed 26:21 - 25 14:18 - 21 22:21 - 23 13:21 - 30
154 Parting Counsel 13:31 - 14:31
155 Retirement to Gethsemane 26:30 14:26 22:39
156 A Warning to Peter and the Ten 26:31 - 35 14:27 - 31 22:31 - 38 [13:36 - 38]
157 The True Vine 15:1 - 17
158 A Warning of Persecution 15:18 - 16:4
159 The Coming of the Comforter 16:5 - 33
160 Jesus' Intercessory Prayer 17:1 - 26
161 Gethsemane 26:36 - 56 14:35 - 52 22:40 - 53 18:1 - 12
162 Hearing Before Annas 18:13 - 24
163 Night Trial Befoe the Sanhedrine 26:57 - 75 14:53 - 72 22:54 - 65 18:25 - 27
164 Day Trial Before the Sanhedrine 27:1 15:1 22:66 - 71
165 Judas' Confession and Suicide 27:3 - 10
166 First Trial Before Pilate 27:2, 11 - 14 15:2 - 5 23:1 - 5 18:28 - 38
167 Hearing Before Herod Antipas 23:6 - 12
168 Second Trial Before Pilate 27:15 - 31 15:6 - 19 23:13 - 25 18:39 - 19:16
169 The Crucifixion 27:31 - 56 15:20 - 41 23:26 - 49 19:17 - 37
170 The Burial 27:57 - 61 15:42 - 47 23:50 - 56 19:38 - 42
171 The Guard at the Tomb 27:62 - 66