I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX

VI. Ministry in Samaria and Perea (Autumn, A.D. 30 - Passover, A.D. 31)

No. Incident Matthew Mark Luke John
81 Secret Journey to the Feast of Tabernacles 7:2 - 13
82 Teaching in the Temple 7;14 - 52
83 The Adultress 7:53 - 8:11
84 The Light of the World 8:12 - 30
85 The Argument About Descent From Abraham 8:31 - 59
86 The Man Born Blind 9:1 - 41
87 The Good Shepard 10:1 - 21
88 Final Departure From Galilee; Opening of the Samaritan - Peraean Ministry 9:51 - 56
89 Tests of Discipleship 9:57 - 62
90 Mission of the Seventy 10:1 - 24
91 The Good Samaritan 10:25 - 37
92 In the Home of Mary and Martha 10:38 - 42
93 At the Feast of Dedication 10:22 - 24
94 Return to Peraea: Instruction on Prayer 11:1 - 13
95 The Inner Light 11:33 - 36
96 Dining With Pharisee 11:37 - 54
97 A Warning Against the Pharisee 12:1 - 12
98 The Folly of Riches 12:13 - 34
99 Awaiting the Master's Return 12:35 - 39
100 Divine Justice and Mercy 13:1 - 9
101 The Crippled Woman 13:10 - 17
102 Growth of the Kingdome of Heaven 13:18 - 30
103 A Warning of Divine Judgement 13:31 - 35
104 Dining With a Chief Pharisee 14:1 - 15
105 The Great Banquet 14:16 - 24
106 The Cost of Discipleship 14:25 - 35
107 The Lost Sheep [18:12 - 14] 15:1 - 7
108 The Lost Coin 15:8 - 10
109 The Prodigal Son 15:11 - 32
110 The Dishonest Steward 16:1 - 18
111 The Rich Man and Lazarus 16;19 - 31
112 Forgiveness, Faith, and Service 17:1 - 10
113 The Raising of Lazarus 11:1 - 45
114 Withdrawal to Ephraim 11:46 - 57
115 The Ten Lepers 17:11 - 19
116 When and How the Kindgdome Comes 17;20 - 37
117 The Unjust Judge 18:1 - 8
118 The Pharisee and Publican 18:9 - 14
119 Marriage and Divorce 19:3 - 12 10:2 - 12
120 Blessing the Children 19:13 - 15 10:13 - 16 18:15 - 17
121 The Rich Young Ruler 19:16 - 30 10:17 - 31 18:18 - 30
122 Laborers in the Vinyard 20:1 - 16
123 Jesus Foretells His Death 20:17 - 19 10:32 - 34 18:31 - 34
124 The Ambition of James and John 20:20 - 28 10:35 - 45
125 Blind Bartimaeus 20:29 - 30 10:46 - 52 18:35 - 43
126 Zacchaeus 19;1 - 10
127 The Nobleman and the Pounds 19;11 - 28
128 Simon's Feast 26:6 - 13 14:3 - 9 7:36 - 50 12:1 - 9
129 The Betrayal Plot 26:1 - 5, 14 - 16 14:1,2,10,11 22:1 - 6 12:10, 11