Stan Beikmann
Stan Beikmann
Title: Assistant Professor of Agriculture
Office Location: Smith Hall Room 210
Phone: (269) 471-3106
BS Horticulture from Kansas State University
I grew up on a grain, forage and livestock farm in Washington, Kansas and graduated from Kansas State University with a BS in Horticulture and Design. I worked as a Landscape Architect III for the Kansas Highway Commission and served as Director of Fernwood Botanical Gardens at Niles, Michigan for 21 years prior to joining Andrews full-time in 1996. As Asst. Prof. of Horticulture and Landscape Design, I teach twelve different annual and rotational classes in Horticulture and Landscape Design, advise 12-15 students and serve on a number of committees. I also serve as a part-time Director of Grounds for Andrews University and am involved in its projects and functions as needed. I am married and have two grown sons that live out of state. I work at Andrews because I very much enjoy the Christian attitudes of my co-workers and I love "my kids"; hoping for and helping them to reach their potential as leaders of the future in this field as well as honorable and Christian adults in their future lives is tremendously rewarding!