Derrick Proctor

Derrick Proctor

Derrick Proctor

Title: Associate Professor of Psychology
Office Location: Nethery Hall 123-G
Phone: (269) 471-3154


BA in Psychology (Columbia Union College)
MA in Counseling and Testing (American University)
PhD in Psychology (Purdue University).


Dr. Proctor joined the Department of Behavioral Sciences in 1969, adding his expertise in developmental psychology to the Department's knowledge base. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, American Psychology Society, and the Midwestern Psychological Association. Dr. Proctor's current research is in the areas of romantic attraction and people and concepts that form the core of psychology.

Dr. Proctor currently teaches Introduction to Psychology, Honors Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, and The Psychology of Adolescence, and Youth and Aging.

Current Research or Professional Activities


Griggs, R.A., Bujak-Johnson, A., & Proctor, D.L. (2004) Using common core vocabulary in text selection and teaching the introductory course. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 265-269.

Griggs, R.A., Proctor, D.L., & Cook, S. M. (2004) The most frequently cited books in introductory texts. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 113-116.

Poster Presentations:

Proctor, D.L., & Williams, A.M.E. (2005, May) Using core concepts to teach social psychology and raise students' test performance. Poster session prsented at the 12th Annual APS-STP Teaching Institute, Los Angeles, CA.

Williams, A.M.E., & Proctor, D.L. (2005, May) Frequently cited concepts in the four most frequently taught undergraduate psychology courses. Poster session presnted at the 12th Annual AOS-STP Teaching Institute, Los Angeles, CA.

Proctor, D.L. & Williams A.M. E. (2005, May) Emerging and fading concepts used in introduction to psychology. Poster session prsented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Proctor, D.L. & Williams, A.M.E., Helm, H., Cook, J., Whatton, D. H., & Turk, R.E. (2005, May). Attending the MPA convention from students' and teachers' perspectives. Poster session presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL

Proctor, D.L. (2004, May). The two hundred most frequently cited concepts in introductory psychology texts. Poster session presented at the 11th Annual AOS-STP Teaching Institute, Chicago, IL.

Symposia and Other Presentations:

Helm, Herbert W., & Proctor D.L. (2004, April). Using the MPA to further your students' professional development. College Teachers of Undergraduate Psychology Symposium conducted at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL