Gordon Atkins

Gordon Atkins

Gordon Atkins

Title: Professor of Biology
Office Location: Price Hall 323
E-mail: atkins@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-3263


B.S. Biology - 1981 - Andrews University
M.S. Biology - 1984 - Andrews University
Ph.D. Biology - 1987 - McGill University


Andrews alumnus Gordon Atkins teaches one semester of the Foundations of Biology course, Ornithology, and Animal Behavior.  Atkins completed his Ph.D. in biology at McGill University in 1987.  He then returned to Andrews as a postdoctoral fellow in Stout's laboratory, a position he held until joining the faculty.  Atkins also coordinates the undergraduate research program.

Current Research or Professional Activities

My major interest is in neurethology of auditory communication. This includes studying the neural basis of auditory behavior in the cricket.

Why crickets? They have a relatively simple nervous system but are able to do rather complex behaviors such as recognition and localization. I am also a birder and am involved in several citzens research projects in ornithology.