Adjunct Faculty






Albert Reyes                               

Doctor of Philosophy, Leadership: Global Leadership Concentration 
Andrews University
Doctor of Ministry, Missiology
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Post-Doctoral Study,
Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
Master of Divinity, Theology 
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Bachelor of Business Administration
Angelo State University
President & CEO
Buckner International
2012 – present
Anthony Stahl
PhD Leadership 
Andrews University
MS in Administration 
Andrews University
BS in Business Administration 
Walla Walla College
President and CEO
Central Texas Medical Center
2015 - present
Alyssia Coates
PhD in Organizational Leadership
Andrews University
Master of Arts in Education and Counseling 
Binghamton University
Bachelor of Arts in Rhetoric and Literature
Binghamton University
Director of Development
University of Notre Dame
2015 - 2019
Carolyn Watson
PhD in Leadership 
Andrews University
Master of Educational Administration and Curriculum Development
Regent University
Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education
University of Guam
Management Trainer and Consultant
GP Strategies
2016 - present
Chester Dalski
PhD Leadership
Andrews University

Masters of Arts, Organizational Leadership
Siena Heights University

Associate Degree, Nursing 
Kellogg Community College
Bachelor of Science
Madonna College
Associate in Applied Science
Oakland Community College
Adjunct Professor
Siena Heights University-Battle Creek Campus
David Boshart
PhD, Leadership Studies, School of Education
Andrews University                                                                                                                                   
MA in New Testament Theology
Eastern Mennonite Seminary
BA in Biblical Studies and Theology
Eastern Mennonite Seminary                                                                                                                                             
Adjunct Faculty
Andrews University
2018 - present
Executive Conference Minister
Central Plains Mennonite Conference
2010 - present
Dennis Lundgren                             
Doctor of Philosophy, Leadership
Andrews University
Graduate study in Education and Technology
Florida State University                                                                                                                                           
Master of Music Degree, Music Education and Voice Performance
Andrews University
Bachelor of Music Degree; Music Education, Music Theory and Voice Performance
Western Michigan University
Adjunct Faculty
Andrews University
2018 - present
Adjunct Faculty
Aurora University
2010 - present
Eddy Witzel
PhD in Leadership
Andrews University
Master of Business Administration
Regis University
BS in Engineering
Walla Walla University
Adjunct Faculty
School of Business, Southern Adventist University
2018 – present
Adjunct Faculty
School of PE, Health, & Wellness, Southern Adventist University
2017 – present
Project Management Consultant
Leadership Department, Andrews University
2017 – present
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Business & Communication, Washington Adventist University
2015 - present
John Frame
Doctor of Philosophy, Leadership
Andrews University
Education Specialist, School Psychology
Ball State University
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology & Business Administration
Grace College
Visiting Assistant Professor of Education
School Psychology, Valparaiso University
2016 - present
Kay Schaaf
Doctor of Philosophy: Leadership Program
Andrews University

Master of Arts in Education
University of Phoenix

Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Behavior
College of St. Scholastica
Adjunct Faculty
Andrews University
2018 - present
Affiliate Faculty
Colorado Christian University
2013 - 2016
Lisa Greco
PhD in Leadership
Andrews University
M. Min and MATS
Bethel College
B.S. Human Services
State University of New York
Adjunct Faculty
Andrews University
2018 - present
Senior Training and Development Specialist
2018 - present
Marilyn Diana Ming
Doctor of Philosophy, Leadership, School of Education Andrews University
Master of Education, Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction
Atlantic Union College
Bachelor of Arts
Atlantic Union College
3-Year Teacher Diploma in Elementary Education
Northern Caribbean University (formerly West Indies College)
Adjunct Faculty
Andrews University
2019 – present
Dimel Services
which offers assessment of educational environments, analysis, development, and implementation of curricula
specializing in educational system performance and optimization of teacher performance and leadership skills
Matthew Burns
Doctor of Philosophy-Leadership, School of Education
Andrews University
Masters of Arts-Educational Psychology
Andrews University
Bachelor of Arts-Psychology
Michigan State University
Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri
2018 - present
Peter Burch
Philosophy Doctorate (PhD), Leadership, School of Education
Andrews University

Master's Divinity
Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

Bachelor's Occupational Education
Wayland Baptist University

Associate’s Business Management
Hawaii Pacifica University

Associate’s Construction Technology
Community College of the Air Force
Director of Development
The Charles Finney School Penfield
2016 to present
Shawn Collins
PhD – Leadership
Andrews University
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Leadership and Healthcare Management
Rush University
Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Anesthesia
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Southern College of SDA
Associate of Science in Nursing
Southern College of SDA
Tenured Associate Professor
Western Carolina University
2018 – present
Director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program 
Western Carolina University
2018 – present
Adjunct Faculty
School of Nursing, Andrews University,
2017 - present
Instructor of Record
for Doctor of Nursing, Andrews University
2017 - present
Zechariah Hoyt                                                                                                      
Ph.D., Leadership
Andrews University
M.A., Educational Leadership
Western Michigan University
B.A., Elementary Education
Michigan State University
YMCA Early Childhood
2018 – present
Internal Solutions LLC
2015 - present