Call for Proposal

Conference Theme:
Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Leadership

The Second Annual Leadership Conference of Andrews University calls on leaders and scholars across denominations and organizations to propose paper or poster presentations or sessions that offer the best of leadership in their field and across fields. Proposals can be for individual presentations or for multiple individuals, groups or organizations to present various aspects of a theme. The conference theme is meant to support but not to limit or restrict proposal creation. Proposals are to be sent to

Proposals Must Include:

  1. Name, contact information, organization
  2. Title, a brief abstract (up to 500 words) for the proposed paper, poster, or session
  3. A description of the preferred session type

Session Types

Each proposal should select a presentation type from among the following.

  1. Case study: a presentation of a specific real-life leadership issue/challenge containing the analysis of a situation from different perspectives, suggesting a concrete solution for how to solve the problem.
  2. Conversation with an author: a presentation by an author of a recently published book with opportunity of Q & A.
  3. Debate: a presentation of two viewpoints within an allotted time for presentation of arguments and rebuttal guided by a moderator to maintain the session structure.
  4. Panel discussion: a presentation paired with other presentations by people with contrasting viewpoints on a leadership issue or competency.*
  5. Paper: a presentation of a research report containing based on theory and field research; or a presentation of theoretical research arguing a particular point of view (should be submitted as a double-spaced manuscript of not more than 10-12 pages formatted in Microsoft Word or Richtext).
  6. Poster: a visual display of a paper, a research project, of dissertation research (including approved dissertation proposals), or a completed leadership competency* in the exhibit space attended by the creator(s) of the poster.
  7. Presentation: a presentation of a leadership issue, topic, practice, or program, or and approved dissertation proposal. Usually done in a more traditional format.
  8. Workshop: an interactive session that seeks to involve participants in learning a new skill or a leadership technique using an experiential format for at least half of the session.


* "Leadership competency" refers to the competencies required in the Leadership Program at Andrews University.

Successful Proposals Have the Following Characteristics:

  1. Well-written abstracts and descriptions that make it clear what information will be shared with participants and how.
  2. Proposals that describe specific “takeaways” for participants
  3. Relevant and new material and ideas for today’s leaders
  4. Demonstrated familiarity with the literature cited
  5. Quality in concept, research, and content
  6. Sessions that include multiple perspectives

Proposal Deadline: May 15, 2012

Send your proposal to:

The Review Process

All proposals will be reviewed by a panel who will notify submitters by May 30, 2012 on the acceptance of their proposal.

Proposals will be evaluated by criteria of:

  • Learning (Does the proposal provide new ideas, insights, tools, models, theories?)
  • Understanding leadership (Does the proposal add new understanding of leadership through original research or scholarship, including the scholarship of practice? Or does it challenge existing theory and research?)
  • Application (Does the proposal present research or theory in a way that is accessible to leaders “in the trenches”?)
  • Quality (Is the proposal good quality?)

The Sessions

Poster sessions are scheduled on Sunday evening during the reception after the opening keynote address and on Monday during the noon hours. All other sessions will take place on Monday afternoon.

Send all proposals to by May 15, 2012.