Shawna McNeily MDiv, MSN, PNP/NNP-C

Shawna McNeily MDiv, MSN, PNP/NNP-C

Shawna McNeily MDiv, MSN, PNP/NNP-C

Title: Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing


Master of Science in Nursing, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

Master of Divinity, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica, West Indies


Shawna McNeily is a Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing at Andrews University.  Shawna has more than 20 years of nursing experience.  She completed a dual pediatric and neonatal nurse practitioner training program at Duke University in Durham North Carolina.  Shawna is enthusiastic about clinical excellence and compassionate care.  She is equally passionate about discipleship.  This interest motivated her to complete a Master of Divinity at Andrews University.  She is excited to combine both ministries in nursing and pastoral care in her faculty role at Andrews.  Shawna strives to encourage students to discover their selection of nursing as more than a professional choice, but also a sacred vocation in which they partner with Christ to extend His healing ministry here and now.