C-516 Cervical Spine I

Date: April 13-18, 2014

Early Registration Price: $550.00, by March 12, 2014

After March 12 Registration Price: $600.00

(see combined price on registration form if taking both Level Is at same time)


This course will utilize case-based instruction to illustrate select cervical spine conditions and their detailed, specific biomechanical and neurophysiological assessment. Participants will identify an all-source evidence-informed approach to evaluation and management through consideration of normal, abnormal and applied cervical spine anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and pathology. Coursework will focus on reason-based development of individualized examination sequences aimed at patient/client classification into - management of an initial diagnosis, progression to a specific biomechanical and neurophysiological examination, symptom/intervention/rule-based classification groupings, or referral to another health-care provider. Participants will identify the concepts of health, functioning, pain behaviors and their manifestations, and their role in total patient/client management. Procedural interventions will include education, manual therapy techniques, and individualized neuromuscular rehabilitation prescription, with the goal of restoring normal function and preventing disability. Joint thrust manipulation of the middle-lower cervical spines will be introduced. 

Course Info

Study Material

Other Info

  • Clothing & Dress: Plan to dress in comfortable, loose fitting clothing, that can easily be adjusted as several different muscles will need to be accessible for your partners practical application. Shorts are recommended and sports bras or tank tops for women. If you have a water bottle bring it!


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