What is Environmental Health? And what do environmental scientists and environmental health specialists do:
Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs (AEHAP)
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services-Public Safety and Environmental Health
American Public Health Association: Environment • Health • You from Lila Films on Vimeo.
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Services
All hard drives are wiped according to Department of Defense specifications or shredded. Businesses are encouraged to pre-register by emailing pickup@GreenEarth1.com or calling 269-326-1232.
Green Earth Electronics Recycling is headquartered in St. Joseph, Michigan, and is focused on keeping unwanted electronics out of landfills by using the best practices in information destruction and recycling. They are a registered recycler with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and services include corporate and institutional pickups and community drop-off events.
For more information about Green Earth visit GreenEarth1.com or email pickup@GreenEarth1.com.