2010 Marketing Materials
Thank you for sharing this event with your family and friends! Any marketing materials must be approved by the director. The following marketing materials have been pre-approved for usage as you market in your area.
Moms & Kids Postcard (6.58x4.83 inches)
Poster (12x18 inches)
PowerPoint Image (JPEG)
1024x768 pixels | 1920x1200 pixels
Business Card Advertisement (11x8.5 inches, 12 per page)
PDF | Microsoft Word
NOTE: This is an advertisement, not a ticket.
Website Advertisement Banner (486x60 pixels)
Please link to passionplay.andrews.edu
Bulletin Announcement 1
"The annual Easter Passion Play will return to the campus of Andrews University, April 3, 2010. Reserve your spot today for one of these life-changing performances at passionplay.andrews.edu or 269-471-8360."
Bulletin Announcement 2
Are you interested in spreading the gospel through your talents? Volunteer for the Easter Passion Play! Share the message that Christ’s life has for us by taking part in the Easter Passion Play ministry. There are countless ways to get involved—from acting to behind-the-scenes positions. Visit our website at passionplay.andrews.edu to register for and view the open volunteer positions.
For more information, visit our website passionplay.andrews.edu, email us at passionplay@andrews.edu, or call us toll free at 800-253-2874, ext. 8360 (9−5, M−Th/9−3, Fr) or 269-471-8360."
Bulletin Announcement 3
"The 2010 Easter Passion Play is right around the corner! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to share the gospel with those you know. Join us for this amazing look into the Passion of Christ on Saturday, April 3, 2010. Event reservations are FREE but must be placed before Thursday, March 1.
For more information, visit our website passionplay.andrews.edu, email us at passionplay@andrews.edu, or call us toll free at 800-253-2874, ext. 8360 (9−5, M−Th/9−3, Fr) or 269-471-8360"