

voted By board: March 2006

I - Purpose

The Christian Leadership Center (CLC) is an interdisciplinary organization of Andrews University providing inspiration, on-going leadership development, coaching, consultation, and research, for a global network of church and community leaders.

Our vision is people transformed and empowered by Christian principles who provide outstanding leadership for the local church, and church and educational organizations throughout the world. The Center provides these leaders with ongoing leadership development based on the servant leadership model of Christ.

We envision a center that promotes and pursues a biblically based model of servant leadership. The CLC is a place for academicians and field practitioners to link in a process of reflection that shapes the church’s understandings of leadership and clarifies transformational leadership development across cultures.

We see CLC involved in ongoing leadership development relationships with:

a) Specific church entities willing to make commitments to accountability over a period of years involving conferences, accountability groups, interaction with literature, and small groups
b) Enduring coaching or mentoring relationships with individuals

We seek transformation of persons in the context of leadership development and see the development of leaders on three distinct levels:

a) Transformation of the person
b) Development of leadership competencies
c) Formation of administrative skills

The purpose of the CLC of Andrews University is to accompany and develop people in their journey as servant leaders in the church and as Christian market-place ambassadors in a changing world.

II - Organization

The CLC functions as an interdisciplinary organization and as one of the components of the Andrews University system of research institutes and centers. Funding for the center will be provided by organizational appropriations, contracts, fees, and gifts, which will be held in a restricted account under the auspices of the Seminary Dean. The Center serves as a leadership development resource to individuals, organizations, and communities.

III - Administration

Section 1 – Executive Committee
The CLC is administered by a team of leaders who form an Executive Committee that is responsible to a Christian Leadership Center Board.

• Two faculty members from the Theological Seminary
• One faculty member from the College of Arts and Sciences
• One faculty member from the School of Business
• One faculty member from the School of Education
• Up to eight persons who are not employees of Andrews University, and are recommended by the Executive Committee and voted by the board
• A representative from the NAD Office Group
•Editor of the Jounal of Applied Christian Leadership (JACL)

The chair of the CLC Board is an ex-officio member of the CLC Executive Committee.

Section 2 – Responsibilities of the Executive Committee

The functions of the Executive Committee are:

• To carry out the mission of the Christian Leadership Center and implement its goals
• To identify and develop resources in support of the Center’s mission
• To develop an agenda for CLC Board meetings
• To prepare, implement, manage, monitor, and where appropriate adjust the CLC budget
• To liaise with the Theological Seminary, Andrews University, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and other faith communities
•Identify and develop CLC Associates

Section 3 – CLC Director
The leadership team (Executive Committee) of the CLC elects a director and executive secretary from its team membership who is then confirmed by the CLC Board.

Section 4 – Board Membership
The Christian Leadership Center Board comprises the following:

• The Vice-President of the General Conference responsible for global leadership issues and development

• The President of Andrews University

• The Director of the Christian Leadership Center


• Members of the CLC Executive Committee
• The Dean of the SDA Theological Seminary or his/her designee
• The Dean of the School of Education or his/her designee
• The Dean of the School of Business or his/her designee
• The Director of the Leadership Program in the School of Education
• The Chairman of the Foundation for Learning and Leadership
• Two international doctoral students with leadership experience in the SDA Church overseas in their background
• Three persons in leadership positions not employed by the SDA Church
• Editor of the Journal of Applied Christian Leadership (JACL)
• The North American Division Assistant to the President for Administration

Section 5 – The Responsibilities of the Board:
• Advance the Mission of the Center
• Act on recommendations of the Executive Committee
• Revise Constitution and By-Laws documents
• Appoint members of the Board and Executive Committee

Section 6 - Vacancies
Vacancies on the CLC Board are filled by appointment of the CLC Board.

Section 7- Meetings
The Board shall meet at least once annually. Five (5) members constitute a quorum.

IV - Affiliations

The Board may approve affiliations with the CLC of Andrews University. Affiliations are leadership centers operated by organizations the formally request affiliation with CLC of Andrews University, and covenant to operate under certain current and essential guidelines established by the Executive Committee of CLC.

Such affiliations will be formed on recommendation of the Executive Committee of CLC by a majority vote of members present for a duly called board meeting. Affiliations are dissolved by action of the CLC Board on recommendation of the Executive Committee.

V - Amendments to the Constitution

The organization and Working Policy may be revised by two-thirds vote of the Christian Leadership Center Board at a duly called meeting.

VI - Dissolution of the CLC

In the event that the CLC is dissolved its assets and equipment revert to Andrews University in consultation with the Chair of the CLC Board.

*Voted by the Board of Andrews University in the Spring 2001
Revised May 2007