The aim of this paper is to present the relationship between two variables that will be considered key for an approach to a wholistic healing that includes spirituality (we will explain why spirituality, especially in this paper, does not equal religion). The two main variables are mental health and the psycho-affective representation of the divine, in other words the psychological and emotional experience a person encounters when connecting, mostly unconsciously, with what she or he understands as God. This deep and mostly hidden from consciousness phenomenon, will be very connected to the enhancement of healing or the prevention of it, when it comes to emotional and mental health.
Each one of these variables will be defined, explored and supported with evidence-based research. Along with that, an attempt to map and explain how they interact when it comes to wholistic healing will be sought. The scope of this paper will not be limited only to religious people but will include secular and atheistic individuals, exploring a broad understanding of spirituality.
Authors that will be used along with empiric published and unpublished research are: Ludwig Feuerbach, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Victor Frankl, Ana Maria Rizzuto, Richard Lawrence and others.