Award for Excellence in Doctor of Ministry Research

Toward the end of each academic year, a committee of Seminary faculty selects one outstanding Doctor of Ministry project that demonstrates excellence in research, execution and results. The award, which was initiated in 2005, recognizes accomplishment with a certificate as well as a monetary token. Recipients of the award and the titles of their projects (linked to full-text where available) are...

Steven Walikonis
Associate Pastor, College Place Village Church
College Place, Washington

The Phenomenon of Power in the Church: an Investigation and Analysis of the Relational Dynamics Experienced in the Context of the Assertion of Authority
William Bossert
Pastor, Riverview Adventist Church, and Sea of Glass Tongan-American Group, Reno, Nevada
The Process and Adaptation of the Ministries of the Wausau Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Liquid Modernity Matrix to Those Born After 1964
Paulo Oliveira
On mission assignment in Dubai
Developing an Interdisciplinary Analysis and Application of Worldview Concepts for Christian Mission
Robert Quillin
Retired pastor in Michigan Conference
Developing Jewish Awareness Seminars: A Model Implemented in Adventist Churches in Michigan
Rodney Mills
Pastor, Scenic Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church, San Antonio, Texas
An Evaluation of the Implementation of Natural Church Development Within SDA Churches in the United States
Milton Adams
Director, Simple Church Network, a house church network sponsored by the North American Division
Developing, Planting and Multiplying an Adventist House Church Using Principles of Missiology in The Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
James Wibberding
Pastor, Silver Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church, Washington State
Lay Pastor Development: A Curriculum to Equip Lay Pastor Candidates to Serve Pennsylvania Conference
Samuel Garbi
Pastor, Lancaster SDA Church; Prairie du Chien SDA Church; Richland Center SDA Church, Wisconsin
Safety as a Foundational Prerequisite to Spiritual Growth and Effective Church Life in the Fox Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Fox Valley District in Wisconsin
Kamil Cak
Director of Patient Relations at Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia
Using Spiritual Practices to Reduce Moral Distress Among Nationwide Children's Hospital's NICU Nurses
Tara Vincross
Senior Pastor, Chestnut Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Discipleship Process as a Catalyst for Mission Orientation in the Chestnut Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church
Stephen Yeagley
Assistant Vice President for Student Life/Director of Co-Curricular Education/GSA Sponsor
Andrews University
Teaching Media Literacy as a Pastoral Skill for Seventh-day Adventist Seminary Students