Johnny Ramirez

Johnny Ramirez

Johnny Ramirez

Title: Professor of Religion - Relational Studies, Loma Linda University
Office Location: Griggs Hall, Room 216, Loma Linda, CA 92350
Alternate Phone: (909) 651-5952


Ed D, MA


I am fully engaged in the Mission of Loma Linda University--"To Make Humanity Whole"--following in the footsteps of Jesus, and service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the world at large: via service to the community (current project 2009-2010 Ontario, CA); via teaching full time at the School of Religion plus teaching courses internationally for various SDA higher education institutions; via research (I have two active research projects as PI and others as collaborator); and via preaching the Gospel in the context of the health message (evangelism and local churches).

Current Research or Professional Activities

As an adjunct professor, Dr. Ramirez has been serving as coordinator for the 2009 Health Care Chaplaincy cohort in the Doctor of Ministry program at the SDA Theological Seminary, Andrews University. He also teaches some of the modules in that concentration.