Willie Oliver

Willie Oliver

Willie Oliver

Title: Family Ministries Director, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
E-mail: oliverw@gc.adventist.org
Alternate Phone: (301) 680-6462


PhD in Sociology


An ordained minister, Dr. Willie Oliver serves as Director of Family Ministries for the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has also served in a similar capacity for the North American Division over the past 15 years. He holds a PhD in sociology, and masters degrees in Pastoral Counseling and Family Sociology.

Dr. Oliver and his wife Elaine are founders and directors of Journey Toward Intimacy marriage retreats, From This Day Forward marriage conferences, and authors of the "From This Day Forward" column in Message Magazine. Together they have two young adult children.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Dr. Oliver is an adjunct professor for the Doctor of Ministry program and teaches a module in the Family Ministry concentration. He also works with several program participants as a project advisor.