The May New Testament & Church History Tour, ”Jesus through Ancient Eyes,” has been rescheduled until December and you are invited to join.

  •  The tour is open to students in all Seminary programs on and off campus, and includes core courses for all Master’s programs as well as the ThD and PhD (Religion).
  • Tour courses count as fall semester credits and you may use fall semester loans to help pay for the tour.
  • Courses taught will include NT exegesis, NT backgrounds, and a Church History prerequisite and Church History core elective. 
  • If you would like to join, plan ahead to save 8 credits of these courses to be taken on the tour.

Contact Rachel Sauer ( for information, and to sign up for the tour.

The study tour to Jordan has been postponed. For more information contact Jeffrey Hudon at

The 2020 and 2021 Cuba study tours have been cancelled due to COVID-19. 

Contact for more infomation.

If you need information for other field evangelism opportunities please contact Alice at