(see also menu on the left)
Upon acceptance into the program, the student is assigned an advisor by the program director. Normally within the first 16 credits of study the student and advisor prepare a course plan for completing the degree requirements. This course plan must be approved by the Religious Education Office.
To register for classes, please see your academic adviser. If you do not know who your adviser is, check your iVue page or contact Dr. Kathleen Beagles at beaglesk@andrews.edu.
Please note that for students who have not completed all courses for the degree, full-time status requires one of the following options:
• Registering for 8 or more credits of course work and/or dissertation and/or internship
• Registering for 4 or more credits of dissertation
For students who have completed all requirements for the degree except the dissertation, full-time status requires all of the following:
• Registering for one or more credits of dissertation or dissertation continuation
• Doing “full-time” work on the dissertation or internship as defined by at least 24 hours a week or 720 hours per year and confirmation of same by the dissertation chair
All on-campus students are required to attend ten Chapels during the Fall and Spring Semesters and four Chapels during the Summer Semesters.
Students may visit the Seminary's Student Resources to check their Seminary worship attendance. To make up any missing chapels, please contact Steve Nash at snash@andrews.edu.