April 18, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Nicholas Miller, "The Ten Commandments & the Second American Civil War"
Reaction Question:
**NOTE: MP3 file will be uploaded soon.
April 11, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Jo Ann Davidson, "Crucified God"
Reading: Ellen White, Desire of Ages, Ch. 74 (pp. 685-697), Ch. 78 (pp. 741-757)
Reaction Question: How does the sacrificial system of the Old Testament illuminate the cross?
**NOTE: MP3 file will be uploaded soon.
April 4, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Martin Hanna, "How to Open God's Gift of Salvation"
Reading: Ellen White, Faith and Works, Ch. 1 (pp. 15-28)
Reaction Question: How does the Biblical presentation in the sermon compare/contrast with the perspectives of Ellen White?
March 28, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Jacques Doukhan, "Whose Son Are You?"
Reading: Read the last issue of Shabbat Shalom, "Israel, Islam and the Church". To get a copy of the journal to Dr. Doukhan's office or see Dorothy at the Old Testament Department.
Reaction Question: What can we learn from each other? (Christians from Jews and Muslims, Muslims from Jews and Christians, Jews from Christians and Muslims)
March 14, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Richard Davidson, "A Taste of Purim!"
Reading: Ellen White, Prophets and Kings, Ch. 49 (pp. 598-606)
Reaction Question: How can SDA Pastors incorporate the celebration and meaning of Purim into our Adventist worship service and theological understanding of last days?
March 7, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Pastor Dennis Carlson, "The Miracle of Organization"
Reading: Ellen White, Acts of the Apostles, Ch. 19 (pp. 188-210)
Reaction Question: Based on Pastor Carlson's sermon, how do you understand the importance of the church to be organized in order to fullfill its mission? How does Pastor Carlson define the church and how do you define the church? What would be the results if the current structure would not be in place the way it is now?
February 28, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Pastor Michael Goetz, "To the Unknown God"
Reading: Ellen White, Steps to Christ, Ch. 1 (pp. 9-15), Ch. 10 (pp. 85-91)
Reaction Question: What do you know about the God you worship?
February 21, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Pastor David Hall, "What Mean Ye by these Stones?"
Reading: Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets, Ch. 43 (pp. 469-480), Ch. 44 (pp. 481-486), Ch. 45 (pp. 487-498)
Reaction Question: Reflect on the importance of learning from our past and of remembering where you came from. How can the lessons from our past help us as we go forward? As you reflect at your own past, what events can help you better face future situations? Reflect upon Pastor Hall's realization that his boy grew up yet Pastor Hall was not aware of it. What practical steps can you take to make sure that you will not miss out on the life of your current or future family?
February 14, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: "Global Evangelism"
Reading: Ellen White, Acts of the Apostles, Ch. 1 (pp. 9-16), Ch. 2 (pp. 17-24), Ch. 3 (pp. 25-33)
Reaction Question: How effective do you think the work of Global Evangelism is, in fulfilling the Great Commission? How have the stories shared by the students, encouraged you to venture on a similar misson trip? How can seminary students fulfill the Great Commission, while attending seminary?
February 7, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Charles D. Joseph, "My People"
Reaction Question:
February 2, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Brian Stiller, "Living as Resident Aliens"
Reading: Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets, Ch. 11 (pp. 125-131), Ch. 12 (pp. 132-144)
Reaction Question: What lessons from the life of Abraham can we apply in our own journey as resident aliens?
January 31, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: "SDATS 2006 Annual Colloquy Recognition Assembly"
January 24, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: James North, "The Song of Moses and the Lamb"
Reaction Question:
January 17, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. Dan Smith, "Go on In"
Reading: Ellen White, Steps to Christ, Ch. 2 (pp. 17-22), Ch. 3 (pp. 23-36), Ch. 6 (pp. 49-55)
Reaction Question: What points of Dr. Smith's sermon and Ellen White's reading have contributed to your understanding of God's grace and His offer of salvation?
January 10, 2006
Speaker & Sermon Title: Dr. John McVay, "What's That in Your Hand?"
Reading: Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets, Ch. 22 (pp. 241-256)
Reaction Question: What aspects of Dr. McVay's sermon, based on Moses' experience, are a motivation for you to always listen to God's call?