Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SSF?

An organization to facilitate greater fellowship within the context of a unique Christian community; increased awareness of the sacred calling of members of this community individually community and its members; and a dynamic witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ; the members of this organization agree in spirit of love to be governed organizationally by this constitution and its working policies


2. Who is a part of SSF? 

SSF is comprised of 8 officers who make up the executive commitee.  They are:  Preisdent, Vice President, Religious, Social, International, Academic, Communications, and Treasurer.


3. What does SSF do?

SSF plans activities and serves as a go-between on behalf of the students to the leadership.


4. How can a student get involved?

Students can get involved by either volunteering to help at an SSF event or by running for office.


5. Is Seminary student governemnt effective?

This club is very effective in that it gives a voice to the students before the leadership.


7.  How long do the officers serve?

An Officer serves one full year from the date they have been elected


8.  What are some of the policies?

Some of the polices includes: An officer cannot miss three meetings in a row.  An officer must work in accordance to the written guidelines in the constitution.


9.  When are elections held?

Elections are held at the end of each full year term of the previously elected committee.


10.  Why join ssf?

Joining SSF is an opportunity for a student to make a difference in the overall seminary life and functions and to put to practice their leadership abilities and skills in preparation for fulltime ministry.