Global Healthcare

All regular employees of Andrews University working a minimum of 30 hours per week. 

Who Pays:
University & Employee

Effective Date:
Upon employment.

Eligible employees have access to healthcare outside the US borders, with coverage under our medical plan for medically appropriate care.  

What do I need to know?

  • Coverage must be coordiated through ACM (Akeso Care Management).
  • All services must be coordinated and preapproved (call precert # on ID Card)
  • Must be a JCI (Joint Commission International) accredited facility
  • Must be deemed “cost-effective” by ACM
  • ACM can also coordinate emergency services for immediate care outside the US


  • Initial Diagnosis should be provided by an in-network provider here in the states
  • Must be a good candidate for travel
  • Typically non-emergent care
  • Follow-up care should also be provided by an in-network provider here in the states
  • Services must meet the cost effective threshold


This benefit offers a $7,000 taxable payment