Salaried Non-Faculty Employees/Administrative

Salaried employees will be evaluated each spring by their immediate supervisor. A summary sheet of the evaluation with appropriate signatures is turned in to Human Resources. If three-fourths of the current years goals are met, a pay increase will be given to the employee. Evaluation Process:


Procedure People Involved Forms Required
HR sends department head or supervisor an evaluation form in the spring of each year. HR assistant director. Evaluation form for salaried non-faculty employees. * Forms are available online.
Supervisor performs the evaluation with the employee and completes form. Supervisor and employee. Evalation form for salaried non-faculty employees.
Supervisor scores and completes the evaluation and sends it back to HR. Supervisor. Evaluation form for salaried non-faculty employees.
HR registers scores in the salary budget schedule and presents scores to the HR director and the controller. HR director, controller, and HR assistant director. Evaluation form for salaried non-faculty employees; salary budget schedule.
Revision of salary budget schedule by HR director, assistant director, and the controller. HR director, controller, and HR assistant director. Salary budget schedule (SBS).
SBS is presented to the Compensation Committee for approval. Compensation Committee. SBS.
Re-hire letters are sent to the individuals. HR assistant director. Re-hire letter.
Signed re-hire letters are received in HR. Employee and HR assistant director. Re-hire letter.
New salaries are entered in the employee's HR files and the computer. HR assistant director. Employee's HR file and Banner forms.